Chapter 7 and 8

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Chapter 7

Lauren's POV

Dinner was unusually quiet. Only my little brothers were speaking. Everyone was just looking down at their plate while taking in bites of pizza. I was surprised that Lisa wasn't raving about her pizza, she loves pizza.

"So Emily, how are you liking it here?" My dad asked her abruptly.

Startled, I looked up to see everyone's eyes on her as she quietly talked. The only background noise to Emily's talking were the loud chewing and bites we all made and the soft sound of plates clanking against each other.

"It's been really nice. It's so much different than DC, I really love it though.. haha." She said with a light laugh. I could tell she wasn't feeling the best, her gaze was barely on one person for more than a second. Her voice sounded monotone and a little shaky, that's when I remembered she has been up for awhile and the time switched for her. She must be tired.

"I'm finished eating and I'm going to a friend's house." Katherine said abruptly. Many others mumbled that they had to do stuff. My parents, Emily, and I were the last people there. I looked around nervously and saw the empty plates sitting there. My mom mouthed something to me and I somehow knew what she was saying. Moms can send messages to your mind so easily haha.

"Hey Emily, you want to come skateboarding with me?" I asked her.

Chapter 8

Dinner was very quiet today. Everyone was probably thinking about how weird it is to have another person in the house. Why couldn't mom and dad see that we were fine without another person living here? She doesn't sing so I don't know why my parents brought her in. I guess I'm a little selfish.

Lisa's POV

I sat there staring at the computer screen. My mind was jumbled. My whole family promised not to tell anyone about Emily until we have her in the video. My mind was only thinking about her. I tried to answer formspring and twitter questions but my mind went right back to Emily. She is so nice and caring and really shy. There is so much that she shares in common with Lauren. They could become really good friends. Something makes me think there is something she is hiding from all of us. How does she have no other family to take care of her?

Emily's POV

It's so beautiful here and the weather is amazing. Lauren was smart to ask me to come skateboarding with her. I needed something to get my mind relaxed. There was one big problem though, I've never learned how to skateboard on a real skateboard.

"Wow, you are so good at this!!" Lauren said smiling at me riding her skateboard. I guess I'm pretty good, that mini skateboard and the skateboard scooter thing that I used to ride helped a lot. We were riding in the driveway and it was the most fun I had in awhile.

"Hey, let's go ride in the street!" Lauren said. Without saying anything, I just nodded my head and went with her. When we got a good distance down the road, I looked up when I heard a car and went to the side. As the car was going at a very fast speed, I looked in to see a person looking down at his phone. I stopped right in my tracks.

"Are you alright?" Lauren asked me as she was turning around. She had a worried face on and I could tell my face was pale.

"Uh... uh I'm fine, I guess." She could tell I wasn't fine but I don't really want to open up to anyone about the accident yet.

"I'm here for you when you need me, my whole family is here for you." We kept skating until we got to a bench near a good skate parking lot. I didn't say a single more word until we got there.

"So, how's your family?" she asked me. I looked down and bit my lip. I didn't want to bawl my eyes out in front of her.

"Uh, I don't really have any other family than my brother." I said shakily. I could tell she felt terrible.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know that." She said. I smiled weakly to her and forced a small laugh at her remark.

"You know how you and your sisters are doing the AT&T "It can wait" campaign?" I asked.

"Yes, why?" she answered. I let everything out. I told her about that horrific night both of my parents died. With all my might, I tried not to shed a tear but I did feel one tear escape my eyes. When I looked back at her from talking, she was in tears.

"I'm so sorry we weren't so much more welcoming than we were. I really need to tell them about everything. I'm so sorry!" she said through tears. She came over to me and gave me a big hug. I was shocked, I had waited for that moment when I get to hug a cimorelli and now here it was, both of us saddened.

Behind Closed Eyes (A Cimorelli Fanfic) [Book 1] UNDER CONSTRUCTIONWhere stories live. Discover now