Chapter 1: run

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Keva couldn't sleep. Around midnight she saw a flashlight glow in the distance. She ran to her parents room, her brown hair, the only thing that didn't look like her dads flowing behind her.  As she turned and slid into her parents room she saw the light again now closer than before. She shook her mom awake and told her what she had saw. Her mom handed Keva her baby sister.

"Run far away ," her mom said quickly as her ivory skin became even paler. Keva ran as fast as she could, trying not to drop her sister. When she was outside, she stopped, looking for Someone. No one was there. She ran to a tree near an alley that lead out of town, then looked back to see a man in the window of her house. A sword went down with a scream. Keva began to run as fast as she could. She could not stay near. Not where her parents were Killed!

After running for what felt like forever, she found an old, abandoned farmhouse that seemed to be in good shape,even thought it had  moss growing on the outside . She went inside cautiously. It was still nice, but had some cobwebs in the corners . She had found a room with a cradle and a bed down a long dark hallway. It must have been a old bedroom? "I guess we will stay hidden here for now," Keva whispered to her sister sadly. Keva put her sister in the cradle and went to the bed. She could not sleep that night, knowing a guy could be after her, and that her parents were dead.

When she woke, she grabbed her sister from the old, dusty cradle. How could she get food? Keva thought. Then she, had an idea. Her dad had taught her how to hunt when she was little. But Keva never got to do it alone. She sat her sister down in the closet on the other side of the bed and said,"Hey, Kyler, stay here. No one should hear you. If they do, I hope they will not find you here." More talking to herself than her sister. Keva went outside and headed to the woods, on the side of the house farthest from the town she had ran from. She had found a curved stick laying on the ground. She reached into her pocket and found some old rope that must have been for her old hammock that had broke, and she tied it to the stick. Then, she found a straight stick and attached a rock onto it, using the remaining rope that she had. Keva hoped she could catch something for breakfast, and hopefully something for lunch too. After a while, she spotted a rabbit hopping by in the grass. Keva pulled back her bow and shot the arrow right into the rabbits furry chest. She ran to the dead rabbit with joy and packed it back to the house. When she got there, she started a controlled fire with some matches that had been found in the house. After, she went inside and looked for a sharp knife to skin the rabbit.

Sudden thoughts popped in her mind; why did that guy go after her parents, and where did he go after he killed them? Was he trying to find her? Was she safe here? 

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