chapter 6 : the question

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  Keva walked over to Eria and asked "hey Fox has been bugging me can he go away please? Like go back where he was," 

" YES! he is really annoying . But  I think  he  likes you," Eria replied.

"He is useless andhe does nothing but watch me!" Keva Yelled.

Eria looked supersized by the words. 

Keva walked away .Fox was  crazy and never helped with things like hunting which he said he liked. But he never did it so that was a lie. It seemed like he lied a lot like that he lived out in a forest and hunted a lot when he was young. She new that because if she gave  him a bow he would never use it or his sword.
Keva got to the forest and walked farther than ever before. She found an cave that seemed to have a door.

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