Chapter 3: Rose

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Rose ran as fast a she could. Can I trust Keva and tell her my real name? Rose thought. Will she tell the emperor I am alive but she said her parents were killed too. She tried to push the thought out of her mind she had to go see her cousin Maybe he could tell if she could trust Keva? She had to get food and that amulet that Keva asked for her to get. Rose kept running her reddish brown hair behind her. "Sorry I lied My name is really Eria" Rose said to herself trying to think of what to say to Keva. Eria that was her real name. Eria came to the town.She stayed in the bushes trying not be seen. First she went to the house Keva told her about. When she walked in she found Keva parents lying dead on the ground. She stepped by them heading to Keva's old room she found the amulet on the ground by the dresser. She snuck back out now heading to her Cousin Lucifer 's house for food and see if he would meet Keva.

When she got to her cousins house she knocked on the door and waited for him to come out. "Hey Lucifer ," Eria said as her cousin opened the door.

"Hi Eria what do you want ?"Lucifer replied.

"Um, I was wondering if you could come meet someone that I met. I am not sure if I can trust her or not," Eria said calmly.

Fox step out the door and nodded his head.

" Is she black?" Lucifer asked

" NO!"

Eria walked, with Lucifer beside her until she got to the old farmhouse. When she was there, she asked to talk to Keva in the woods with her and Lucifer .

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