Trial one - Deception

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Stalking them? There was someone stalking them? Why didn't Obi give her more details? How exactly did one find a stalker?

"Trust the Force. It will guide you." She would say that over and over as she searched through the temple castle thing that they were staying in. She could feel someone's presence but it was constantly moving, making it hard for her to track. "Show yourself!"

"Behind you."

She turned and saw a young boy, maybe a year older than herself. He was a little taller than her and had the brightest blue eyes she had ever seen. His black hair made them look even brighter. "Who are you?"

"My name is Gracen Balian. I am an Imperial scout."

A scout. Nothing too harmful if they could keep him under watch. "What is your purpose and who sent you?" She knew Obi wanted to question him but she wanted to show this kid that all they wanted was answers.

He shifted uncomfortably. "Grand General Moff Tarkin sent me. He wants to know what Kenobi is up to."

"You need to come with me."

The boy stepped backwards. "Please let me finish." She nodded for him to continue. "I really work for the Rebel Alliance. Ambassador Organa sent me to Tarkin knowing that he would give me General Kenobi's location!"

She motioned for the boy to follow her. She didn't sense evil in him.... She sensed mistrust. Obi wanted to talk to him. So she would let him talk to the boy. He followed her obediently, never uttering a single noise. Something was vey wrong.

"Master! I found him!" She called out but there was no answer. Nothing at all. She sensed no life forms of any kind in the room. She pulled her lightsaber from her belt and slowly entered the room. "Master?" The room was empty! Completely empty! Nothing was there. There was absolutely no trace of anyone ever being there in the first place.

"Looks like no one's home... Are you sure this is the right room?" Gracen questioned.

"Yes! This is the room! I've been here for two days!" Where was everyone? Layla? Laeta? Conai? Masters Cava, Kashaack, and Kenobi?

She heard someone interrupt her thoughts but it wasn't Gracen. "Trust the Force. It will guide you. Let it move through you. The force will be your ally." She moved to the middle of the room and sat Indian style on the floor.

"What are you doing?"

She shushed him and began to clear her mind. "The force will guide you." She saw images beginning to flicker into her mind. Imperials, rounding up her friends and family. Taking them to the docks. "Gracen. Do you have a blaster?"

He scoffed. "I have three."

"Give me one." She held out her hand. It wasn't a Jedi's first weapon but it would work. She was a sharp shooter if there were as many troopers there as in her vision than she would need to be able to gun them down and well as slice them up.

"No!" He never like being seperated from his weapons.

"I said give me one! There are an entire legion of Imperial troopers waiting for us! I need a blaster as well as my lightsaber!" She wasn't gonna take no for an answer. Stupid boy.

He scowled and handed over a nine mpr sure shot blaster. Best kind in Contu's opinion. "Not a scratch."

"Thank you, Gracen. Now let's move out."

"I'm not taking orders from you! You have zero military prowess! I've served the Rebellion since I was born!" She rolled her eyes yet again.

She had about enough of this boy. "My mother is Quesa Katar. My father is Katai Wan-Gi. My master is General Obi-wan Kenobi. Darth Electra is his wife! And you say I have zero military prowess?!" She was all up in his face.

He cowered. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize.... I'm sorry. Whatever you say."

"That's what I thought..." She smirked. "Now let's move out."

The two ran down the hallway, reaching the docks in no time. "There's a legion of them at least. Your friends must already be in the ships. They're most likely looking for you now."

"Follow my lead." It wasn't up for debate. If he wanted to live to see the next day he would follow her lead. He nodded his head and the two silently made their way into the hangar.... Well it was silent until Gracen slipped on a loose screw, lying on the floor. He fell with a loud crash. Contu face-palmed. "Gracen!"

"Sorry. I didn't see it there."

Next thing was a flurry of blaster fire and the hum of her lightsaber. There wasn't a moment to breathe. With one hand, she cut down the troopers, and with the other hand, she shot them to keep the ship from taking off. Gracen was surprisingly doing his part too. Keeping up with the many troopers that were clawing for their throats. Her heart beat was loud in her ear. Her breathing sounded like a freight engine in her head. Time slowed as she saw the faceless men falling all around her. Questions began to fill her mind. How had they found them? Why hadn't she heard them taking her friends? Troopers weren't exactly quiet beings. Why hadn't they put up a fight? It a matter of minutes, they were victorious. She went to the ship to free her companions but the only one there was Conai. "Where is everyone else?"

He sneered. "They abandoned ship the moment the troopers touched down. I stayed behind to fight them off but I was overwhelmed. Thank the force, you showed up."

What? They ran? Left her there? "But why? That doesn't seem like them!" She needed answers and fast.

Conai looked at her in pity. "Because they're cowards. That's why. They didn't care about us. They knew you hadn't returned and when you did there would be troopers waiting but they left anyway!" Something wasn't right here. Conai was a trustworthy man but what he was saying contradicted the feelings she was receiving from the force. A smirk made it's way onto his face. "You sense otherwise?"

She nodded. "What are you not telling me?"

"That everyone is standing right behind you."

She whirled around, and there stood the rest of her traveling party. Smiled plastered on their sore faces. Obi spoke up. "You should really learn the presence of your friends and enemies. So they can't sneak up on you."

She ran over and hugged him. "You tricked me!"

He laughed. "Yes but now you know how to deal with deception. You could tell that Conai was lying because even though he was an ally, you relied on the force for your information. You have passed your first trial. Padawan Wan-gi."

She smiled. One down. Two to go.

But even as the group celebrated happily, there were those watching who knew better than to let that happiness continue.

"What are my orders Milady?"

"Oh Katai shut up. You're still a worthless piece of junk to this day. I can't believe I left the Jedi for you."

"What. Are. My. Orders?"

"Observe. Wait till she finishes her trials. Then we strike."

"Yes ma'am. But what if she passes? What if she devotes herself to the light?"

"We crush that light.... Even if it's our own daughter."

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