Trial three - family

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She wouldn't be able to fight him with a blaster. He was a trained Sith. She also had no idea the extent of his abilities. Could he use force lightining? She looked around but Everyone remained back. Her third trial. They were forbidden to interfere unless her life hung in the balance. "What is my destiny father?"

He sneered at his naive daughter. "Your destiny is to serve the emporer."

Maybe she could outsmart him... She had her mother's wit and her mom said that he couldn't win an argument, if it was scripted, because he was so dumb. "No thanks. Does mother know that you've engaged me? I am her favorite child."

"She gave the order. She told me to crush you. I'm doing you a favor by only unleashing your hate."

Blast it! It didn't work. Suddenly her father curled up into a little ball, like he was experiencing stomach pains. But his face showed only intense concentration.


Sheema had never seen anything like it either. "Contu get back."

Her father looked up, at that moment, his eyes flashing red. "Yes child, if you want to survive get back."

Her mind was racing. What was he doing? It didn't make sense to her. He looked as if he might.....

Before her thought could finish, a wave of black eminated from Katai. It burned through the nearby starships and left piles of ashes in it's wake. She had to move quickly or she would be incinerated. If only I knew the blast radius.... Force bombs were extremely rare, yet extremely dangerous. She saw a few bars on the ceiling that had been unaffected by the firey concoction. I have to get up there or I'm good as dead. With a last breath of concetration, she jumped... The bars just within reach. The wave of black was passing under her when she reached for the bars... They were too far away! She couldn't reach them! Screams unfamiliar to her sounded as she groped for the life-saving metal... Missing by inches.

She came to her senses with the sound of a lightsaber's hum. Her eyes were still shut but her ears were fully operational. 'What is she doing here? She's not supposed to be here for a long while! Master Jinn! You need to see this sir!"

She felt a pair of hands grab her shoulders and instinct kicked in. Her father. Falling from the ceiling. She shot out her hands in the force, sending her assailant backwards, hard. "Calm down, young jedi."

Her eyes opened and she was no longer in the hangar on Naboo. She was in some sort of field. "Where am I?"

The man knelt next to her. "You are in a new world after having become one with the force."

She let the words sink in. "I'm dead?"

"Well, not entirely. I see Obi-wan trained you well." He offered her a hand and helped her to her feet. "You seem to be in limbo. I am Jedi Master Qui-gon Jinn. I believe you must make a choice. To stay here or go back."

"But my father, he's trying to kill me and my family."

"True. But as that may be, you must still choose."

She held her hand to her forehead. "If I stay, then he'll kill the rest of them... If I return, he'll most likely kill me. Or I'd have to kill him."

Qui-gon nodded his head. "That would seem to be the case."

"But can I really kill my own father Master Jinn?" Things couldn't get weirder or harder.

He looked her square in the eye. "Would you really have a choice if you returned?"

Would she? "Master Jinn?"

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