Chapter One: Part One.

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Strangers of the Forsaken.

An original thriller/suspense story.

Written by: xElementx92

Cover art by: xElementx92

The following story is purely and completely, a work of fiction. The events portrayed may or may not have taken place in real life. There is no sexual or erotic content in this story whatsoever. Any similarity or resemblance between the characters and any real person; either living or dead; or already existing characters is merely coincidental and unintentional. © xElementx92 2019.

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Chapter One: Part One.

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As opposed to a great number of long, bedraggled weeks passed, this particular early weekday morning was especially bright, frosted over and with a visibly calming glow emitting from the relaxing rays of the shining sun. The bitterly cold, hardened, frozen ground of concrete was covered in a delicately light frosting of what appeared to be glittering snowflakes. A view that held such graceful beauty, it was easily enough to entice any lucky passers-by to stop, look and simply take a moment to breathe in the wonderfully mesmerizing view that so proudly stood before them. For one to simply say that this day was ultimately going to be an unmistakably beautiful one, was without a doubt, nothing short of an understatement. An amazingly vast array of various different types of birds could be heard loudly chirruping happily in the great, open skies far up above; watched ever so closely by a colourful multitude of the most radiant, gleeful creatures who adorned the ground below. Kittens and puppies of all shapes, sizes and patterns ran, frolicked and played together joyously in the lush, green grasses which blanketed various large areas of the ground. In the far-off distance, not too far from the horizon; the distinct shape of a large stone castle could only just about be spotted. Graciously surrounding it were scores of the tallest trees, some of which looked to be a lot more alive than others. The open sky itself was a rich, cerulean colour and the white, gossamer clouds of cotton appeared delicate; looking almost featherlike to the touch.

As young Laylah herself so absentmindedly strolled along an especially pleasant-looking pathway, it was in that moment that her ever-imaginative mind slowly, but surely began to wander onto the many numerous activities which were now so overbearingly laid out before her. For Laylah, being a Princess had never quite presented itself as the most facile of tasks imaginable, though somehow she still managed to suffer through it. The seemingly never-ending, cumbersome, lumbering daily tasks which her regal father had so strongly, yet so carelessly flung upon her - Laylah herself had even so often begun to question just how much more of this she was going to be able to take. Her ever-so pained, overly troubled shoulders already ached tremendously with the all-too-heavy burden that sure enough, the day was going to come when it would finally be her turn to step-up and take the well-coveted throne of these lands. Even from a very early age, Laylah had always been extremely well-educated by both her royal parents. They both had taught her in the ways of exactly what it would mean for such a young, impressionable girl like her to eventually become Queen of these lands. Laylah herself however, had never exactly been quite so keen on the whole idea of having to one day become a ruler. After all, by this point in time, both her mother and father had so stressfully made just about every feasible attempt and sacrifice possible, to ensure their young daughter would grow up as planned. They had always wanted for her to be the compassionate, kindhearted and yet well-founded daughter and Queen that they could be proud of. While not completely laid to waste, their efforts all too often felt rather under appreciated to the current King and Queen. Both would rather often display the most distressing signs of wishing to just simply give up on everything right now.

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