Chapter One: Part Four.

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Chapter One: Part Four.

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Both Laylah and Pydren could very clearly hear the Earth-shattering, ear-piercing sounds of once proud, grown trees being snapped in half. The unbearably loud screeches of the howling winds echoed painfully through the air, as the pitifully helpless cries of various woodland critters could be heard for miles around. Trying as best they could, the numerous little creatures were making every attempt possible, to make their way through the treacherous storm. After recklessly trekking through what could only be described as the most insane weather conditions, for what felt like hours on end, the two soon happened upon what appeared to be an abandoned cave. The large, open entrance was left completely unguarded, unlike the great number of other caves that Laylah had previously seen before. Most usually had at least one or two creatures who would stand guard at the opening, to help ward off any possible incoming intruders. This one however, was rather very different, in the sense that it did not seem to have anyone like that outside of it.

"Come on Pydren, we should hopefully be able to hide safely enough in here."

Laylah then softly gestured towards the minute, curled-up little dragon, sitting atop her shoulder. The current outdoor conditions were continually getting rougher and much less bearable, so Laylah wasted no time in making her way quickly inside of the newly discovered cave.

The cave itself was quite unlike any other on the inside; the stone walls were being lit up by some mysterious form of gentle, orange light. It caused a beautifully warm glow to softly emanate from the very fibers of the cave itself, almost as if the whole entirety of the place were well and truly alive.

"I wonder if anybody does in fact live here, after all?"

Laylah spoke out into the great open air, not entirely sure of exactly who it was she was addressing. As the two soon began to quietly venture deeper into the cave, the peacefully relaxing sound of low playing music soon met their ears. The young girl then paused briefly in her tracks for a moment and simply listened, a part of her being utterly transfixed by the sheer magic of the soothing melodies. As she listened a little closer, she could quite easily tell that the music appeared to be coming from much deeper inside of the cave.

"You hear that too, right Pydren? There must be someone else here, there just has to be... We had better keep our guard up, incase they're not quite as friendly as we are."

The little dragon then let out a small roar in response, but was careful not to be too loud, incase he and Laylah were heard by anyone else who may have been living there.

While still feeling extremely unsure as to what she thought of this rather peculiar place, Laylah continued to step lightly and keep up her guard. After all, neither herself nor her dearly beloved little dragon friend, could be too sure of exactly what kinds of otherworldly creatures may live here. The two could potentially run into just about anything in this place, despite the seemingly welcoming and warm atmosphere, that was currently being given off by the cave.

"It seems to me as if this place could perhaps be inhabited by peaceful creatures, whoever or whatever they may be."

Laylah spoke her thoughts aloud in a rather casual tone, in an attempt to reassure herself and quell any low-lying fears she may have had. Just as the young Princess was gradually beginning to grow weary of the seemingly never-ending twists, tunnels and side-tracks within this cave, she eventually found herself in a place where her current path suddenly came to an abrupt end. Laylah was then rather quite surprised to to find that she was now in fact standing upon a very high ledge. In order to help prevent herself from falling down into the lower parts of the cave below her, the daring young girl had to make sure to grab onto some nearby rocks, which were sticking out of the wall beside her.

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