Chapter Two: Part Two.

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Chapter Two: Part Two.

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Over in another, much more secretive and secluded area of the now rather desperate kingdom, something much darker and far more sinister was taking place. There was a rather specific question someone had once asked, a question that had stood the test of time and been asked repeatedly over the passing centuries. That question was "how do you make someone afraid of you?"

There are, of course, a multitude of different, varying answers to this. Overall, it all primarily depends upon the people whom are asking and answering. As for how this particular creature was looking, they themselves did not appear to possess any truly threatening physical traits about them. There was nothing notable that happened to jump out instantly, as something that would pose a real problem to anyone. Despite this however, there was still that something about them. Something that no matter just how harmless the creature appeared upon first sight, this one factor about them would cause any regular person to turn on their heels and run for their very lives. What this factor was however, this was something nobody could be all too sure of. All that was certain, was that anyone brave enough to stare directly into the very eyes of this creature, would be instantly robbed of all memories prior to meeting the monster. This would then leave the poor victim lost, confused and in a most definite state of extreme vulnerability. Thus then making them the perfect target for entrapment, torture and in most cases, a lifetime of forced slavery within the monsters' secret, underwater city.

These mysterious creatures typically habituated a city they had slowly but surely built themselves, over a number of centuries. This was one of the many reasons why this unquestionably evil race, had begun so mercilessly capturing humans and forcing them into such a terrible life of slavery and misery. They needed all the help they could get, mainly with all of the dirty work that would typically come hand in hand with the timeless slog, of the city's creation. Those of the monsters whom had been strong-willed enough to rise themselves up through the ranks, had then been able to take their rightful place as leaders. They were the ones who were able to take leadership over the other monsters. It was those whom were seen as being below the leaders, who would usually end up being entrusted with the task of human kidnappers. The leaders themselves would organise and co-ordinate the cruel obtaining of human slaves, thus sealing their fate for the remainder of their lives. Upon their deaths, the human slave workers would then be cooked and turned into food for those who still remained alive and kicking. From the sickening point of view of these disgustingly evil creatures, it was a system that had been working rather flawlessly for hundreds of years now. There was nothing that seemed to truly stand in the way of these gruesome beings and their cold, callous plans. Their reasons for creating and building this underwater city, were very much kept a close-guarded secret. Although there was always a certain tension in the air, which seemed to suggest that soon enough, all would be revealed.

The very city itself was beautifully built with the soft, mesmerizing glow of the gentle lighting, casting the most amazing reflections of the tall, highly impressive structures. There were buildings that looked as if they could quite easily reach the Heavens, if they had wanted to. Those creatures whom were deemed important enough, were housed in the most miraculous of these buildings, which then enabled them to truly look down upon their lowly subjects. This never failed to provide the monsters with the overpowering feeling of intense power, that they so very dearly craved. To be able to simply sit back and watch, as the poor human slaves worked tirelessly under the watchful eye of their captors, was like a dream come true for the monsters. There was just something about it that warmed the hearts of the city's most important inhabitants. The body of water below which the city was built, appeared as any other typical water body to the untrained eye. If you were to lay eyes upon it, it would seem you were merely looking at any other normal looking pond. The only true, notable difference being that the water itself was ever so slightly darker than normal. However, this is something that not every human eye is able to notice right off the bat. There was nothing else about this pond to suggest that it was anything other than a regular, everyday body of water. Only very few knew the truth as to what horrors laid beneath these disturbingly murky waters... Of the horrific monsters which had made their home, in the depths of what had become a place of pure evil. Once one had been captured by these creatures, there was no viable means of escape. Once you had become a mindless slave, bound forever to carry out their duties, this would then become the only life you ever knew. Doomed forever to then have your heart, mind and soul controlled by dark monsters of another world.

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