Chapter Seven: Part Four.

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Chapter Seven: Part Four.

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From here on out, there was absolutely no way that any one of these three young boys, could find themselves backing out of this. Whatever was to take place from here on out, the three of them were in this together and in it for the long haul. It was now or never, there'd be no looking back for any of them. Upon the final completion of his speech; Anthony then proudly jumped down from the table, landing just behind his two friends, as they both quickly ducked for cover. Anthony himself still had that very same, fiendish grin on his face, the one he always wore. However, there still was one thing that seemed to bug the young slave boys. Something that not one of them had quite yet thought of, which was now becoming all too clear to them all. It may also have been this way right from the very beginning, but they all had been far too preoccupied with other things, to really be able to speak out about it. Now was as good a time as any though and they were not going to get another chance, to correctly and accurately pull off this plan. Messing up now in any way, would surely result in the most dire consequences then taking place.

Slowly standing to their feet, both Tobias and Kresten then made their way over, to where their friend Anthony was already standing. In his hands was the very device, the three had poured so much of their soul into putting together. It truly was one of the most spectacular moments in all the lives of the boys, each one feeling a whole new sense of pride, bursting from deep within their very chests. It almost felt wrong for them to be doing this, but carrying out this plan would certainly right a great many wrongs for the group. A particular heavy weight would finally be lifted from the boys' shoulders, ultimately ridding them of all negative emotions they had carried with them for so long. Each of them could already almost taste, what would soon be the sweet taste of a sure fire victory. Not only in relation to this plan, but also in each of the boys' own individual lives. No longer would the boys be stuck living the same controlled, overly repetitive life of existing only to serve others. It wouldn't have been all that bad, had it not been for the horrifically awful treatment, that had so cruelly and callously flung upon them all, over these past few years or so.

Taking a deep breath and giving each other one final look of satisfaction; the three boys then began to take a slow, casual walk around the castle building. The primary purpose of this, was mostly so that they could adequately search for a suitable spot, in which to plant their explosive device. It would certainly have to be placed somewhere, that would result in having the most impact on the very castle itself. After all if they were going to do this, they were sure as heck going to make sure they do it correctly. Soon enough, the very people who had so badly wronged these boys, would know just how costly their actions were. Mistakes had most definitely been made and they were not going to go unpunished, not by a long shot. Three young lives filled with the most antagonizing pain, suffering and anguish were about to get the greatest revenge possible. Not one person would be spared, not a single life shown even a scrap of mercy.

It was certainly difficult to imagine just what the final explosion was going to look like, but the group were all ecstatic for it all the same. This was a true turning point in their lives and a chance to finally put right, what was done wrong. There was no greater feeling than the true sense of ultimate satisfaction, that associated itself so strongly, with what the boys were experiencing in this very moment.

"Well then friends, it really is either now or never." This time it was now Kresten's turn to finally speak out, as he and his friends slowly made their way upstairs.

The staircase itself was rather creaky, and the steps looked as if they were made of a really old-looking kind of wood. It was impossible, or near enough, to put weight on these steps without making some sort of noise. The ominous sounds of unnerving cracks sent uncomfortable shivers down the spines of each boy, as each of them put their very own lives in the palms of the group's hands. It was a highly dangerous risk being taken by the group, but one they were prepared to do anything for. Tobias stared nervously up towards the walls as he walked, somehow feeling as if the eyes from the hung paintings were watching him. Almost like they knew exactly what he and his friends had been planning for all of this time. Neither Kresten or Anthony seemed to notice this however, so Tobias decided against bringing it up to them. He didn't want to look like someone who was a total wimp, after all – especially not in-front of his partners in crime. No matter what happened to lay ahead...

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