Chapter Seven: Part One.

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Chapter Seven: Part One.

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Now that the extremely well-coveted Princess Laylah, had become such an integral piece of the Underwater Guardians' meticulous plans; it was now merely a matter of time before everything would finally come together. The exceptionally beautiful secret city was now approaching its full completion, prompting a whole new sense of excitement, to make itself well and truly known among these dreaded monsters. It had honestly felt almost too good to be true, that things for the Guardians were now falling into place so easily. Having their secret hideout located in such a well-hidden location, was most certainly something that helped out a great deal. Because of this, the egregious, cold-hearted creatures were now much more difficult for anyone to track down. This had of course proven to be quite the key tool; when it came to the execution of such a detailed, callous, cold-blooded plot. There simply wouldn't possibly be any form of conceivable way, in which anybody could have accurately tracked down the missing Princess. Though even if somehow they could, it would most certainly not be at all easy for them to get Laylah back. For someone to successfully be able to do that, they would have to find a way to enter the pond without becoming captured, or becoming a slave themselves. This in itself was a nigh on impossible task, especially with how alert the Guardians had been just lately. While the Princess herself hadn't yet been fully converted into a helpless, mindless slave, there was little hope of her avoiding such a cruel fate. The potential risks to her in this moment were great and the imminent danger she was in, was simply increasing more and more by the minute.

Another part of the kingdom in which there was rather a lot of quite relentless, viciously callous plotting taking place; was situated a long way away from where that one dreaded pond was situated. It had seemed that Kresten, Tobias and Anthony had finally now been able to settle their differences. Sitting within a long-abandoned building the three had happened upon, the boys were now actively discussing the next phase of their plan. Each of them were now very much focused on ensuring the monarchy was not handed over to Princess Laylah, in the event of her missing father not returning to the castle. As neither of the two had even been seen or heard from in such a long time now, there wasn't exactly much chance of that happening. However, the boys still had a feeling that they should stay on their toes regardless, as not one of them dared to take any foolish risks. Everything that took place from here on out, had to be in the best interests of the boys, and what it was they wanted. Not one of them could afford to slip up now, not at such a prominent stage in their plot. Things had to be thought out and executed in as accurate a manner as possible. It was certainly going to be difficult, but the boys all believed without a doubt, that their plans would be put into action perfectly. They had all been working hard undercover, to gather the required ingredients to put together a makeshift explosive device. Once fully completed, the newly made device would then be used for the intended purpose, of permanently removing Princess Laylah's castle from all of existence. This had originally been the idea of Tobias and Anthony, but they had brought their good friend Kresten along for the ride. After all, an extra pair of hands is always very much appreciated in such desperate times.

It wouldn't be too long now, before the young, restless slaves' plans could finally be ignited. With the royal castle no longer in the picture, it would then soon become a great deal easier for the group to rise up through the ranks – just as they had always dreamed of doing. For the next crucial stage of their plot, it was now time for the three to begin the building process, for their planned explosive device. None of them could be quite sure of how long this was going to take, though they certainly did know it was going to be worth it. For now, the boys primary focus would be putting together the device, in the most practical and effective way possible. In order for them to be able to do this, they all would have to ensure they took all necessary precautions, to avoid getting themselves caught by anyone. In the truly dire event of this happening, it would surely go without saying that all they had worked towards so far, would no longer mean anything. It was spine-chilling to even think about the occurrence of such a tragic event, to say the least. So the boys each tried their very best, to help keep their minds off of such things. If all of this worked out for the better; all three slave boys would soon be living much richer, fuller lives than ever before. It was a dream that at times seemed impossibly far out of reach, but was now appearing closer with each passing day. Tobias occasionally thought back on the times when he and Anthony had first hatched this plan, and how staggeringly wonderful it had all seemed back then. Things were most definitely changing rapidly around these parts, and it was having an affect on just about everyone. Many of the kingdom's inhabitants who were still around had become sheltered, withdrawn versions of their former, much more positive and shimmering selves.

Strangers of the Forsaken.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon