Deviant's Soapbox #2

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Between Chapter 7 and 8

Hey tis' I again, here to ramble to you about random stuff that may or may not have to do the story. Which I do actually want to talk if only briefly.

The first thing I wanted to address was the big ol' time skip. I understand that going through each floor of Aincrad would be interesting but I simply don't have the time to write it. SAO:E is meant to be a small series that you are able to read in a weekend or so- just a short and sweet story. Though those aren't the only reasons I decided to do a time jump. One is because it is reallllllllyyyy hard to keep tension going while you are spanning a story that is heavily action based across all 100 floors of the floating castle. Two: the arcs I have for these characters don't require for them to always be hunting down the bosses for each floor. It would be a waste of time to show Teal and Magenta acting more or less the same way every time there is the same boss up until the past few chapters.

Speaking of those two, writing this low point in their  relationship was amazingly fun and I hope it feels like the argument is real. Their 'break-up' was something I have planned from the beginning and something that I hope was built up to in a ominous yet hidden fashion. Oh! About Yuna and Nautilus in the story! I added them because I was really interested in how they would be in SAO as showing in Ordinal Scale. I also really liked how I could take Nautilus and craft him into a foil for Teal. The girls such as Yuna and Muramasa were also supposed to be much 'traditionally' feminine in order to contrast with Magenta's exaggerated and in-the-face, but playful way of embracing her femininity.

That's enough of my story though. I really wanted to talk about Avengers: Endgame which I saw yesterday as of April 26, 2019. This maybe spoilery so for those who haven't seen it there you are! Can I just say that I amazed how they started off the movie with just the right tone? Watching Clint loose his family in the first five minutes of the movie is not only heartbreaking thanks to Jermey Renner's stellar performance but also a genius way to set up the themes of family and, of course, loss. The way this movie treats loss is so amazing because they don't only have death as their only consequence but also the idea that some of these people have lost time with their families, lost their glory days, and lost friendships. Not to mention the movie keeps the stakes high not by keeping us on edge of who will die but what these characters can loose or fail to gain. Will Tony keep his family? Can the broken Thor be fixed? Can Hulk be able to keep himself in check as he has in the past? Will Cap be able to push his past away and focus on what is at hand? These, and so many other stakes, keep the viewer on edge without holding the 'whose-gonna-bite-the-dust' bait over the audience's head. Instead it respects the viewers enough to give them other emotional consequences if their plan fails.

Anyways that was my take on a few of the things from that movie. As you can tell- I liked it. I liked it a lot. I really hope that one day my stories will be able to reach that capacity and also reach that many people who are invest in a world, in characters, and in a plot that I developed. (I have a tendency to over share sorry)

I think that about does it for me. Let me know what you think of the story. Tell me what you liked and disliked, I value both so much. If you would, also, leave a vote on the stories if you have enjoyed them. I don't ask because I just want to see the number rise but it lets me know that people enjoy the story and I think it effects how my story gets recommended to other people! I am excited to write some more of this bite sized series and put a cap on it. Not because I want it to end, but just so I have a story that I can call complete and look over to see how I have grown.

Thanks for spending time with me!

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