west's womanizer

201 11 5

Warning mentioned of bad things such as cursing,drugs,sexs and smoking

Normal POV

--after Juvia's sadistic incident Sianey and his men go back to China with Juvia's drugs--

"so uh?  Long time no see? " said Miktoy while scratching  the back of his neck

"oh yeah!? " said Natsu putting his index finger and thumb under his chin

"wait wait!!!  Why am I here " Juvia and Natsu yell in unison  with wide eyes

Returning to the world Juvia face palm while Miktoy was laughing while driving the ship

"OK Miktoy dropped us out" said Juvia taking out a pack of cigarettes she took one from the box

Juvia motioned Natsu to lit the cigarette  Natsu lit the cigarette on Juvia's hand then Juvia put

The little piece of tobacco on her pink plump lips inhaling the menthol of the cigarette

Juvia puffed out some smoke that went on Miktoy face using his hand Miktoy swatted the smoke then coughed out a litle before speaking

"no can do Juvia we need to do the part two of the mission  or else I'll lose the position and why are you smoking  it's very bad for your hea--" Miktoy said but was cutt off by Juvia

"don't act just like your my brother your the same as him both of you want me to be dead" Juvia said and continue  to inhale and puffed out

Natsu dropped his drugs  he's  puffing that Juvia created then he looked at her with a shocked  expression 

While Miktoy just stood there a guilty aura surrounding him Natsu averted his gaze to the older Lockser boy

Miktoy look at Natsu and look at the ground where the drugs was place at Natsu sent him a symphathetic smile

" you too!!!!  You also had bad hobbies!!!! " Miktoy yelled At Natsu

"tsk just dropped us out even if you don't want too we will not  gonna do that part two that fucking job" Natsu said and cursed while emphasizing the 'not' word

Juvia nod agreeing at Natsu's statement  puffing out some smoke from her mouth Natsu picked

The bag of drugs and took a straw putting it in the small bag and starts to puff  some

"uhh~! This feels good" said Natsu a smile curved on his face,his face was showing a pleased look

" good right? " said Juvia crushing  the piece of the cigarette on the ground she snapped  her fingers

Causing the cigarette  to fade "yeah! You should make this often it feels like I'm eating a fire buffet" Natsu said while patting his six pack abs stomach

" hmm well guest you found the secret power of it " said Juvia taking also the drugs as same as Natsu's  drugs from her  invisible pocket 

She took a straw and put inside in the bag and she puffed in some too "ugh~! This feels good" Juvia said with a pleased look

From afar Miktoy was just watching them with pure disgust "don't do that in my ship" yelled Miktoy with  disgust

"ang  ingay naman nitong pangit nato o!!! " (this ugly  man is so noisy) said Juvia and Natsu and unison

"tsk" Miktoy said just then a big blue hole showed up under Natsu and Juvia but before they enter the blue hole

"wait...I will do anything you want just for this position " said Miktoy while driving

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