FOURTEEN - Death To Our Enemies, pt. 2

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"Greg?" I asked, confused in my grief and not wanting to believe puppy dog Greg was pointing a gun at me.

Maybe I shouldn't have been surprised. He was St. Claire's son. But I was. Another shock when I hadn't even begun to recover from the first one.

"Get behind me," Robin said, reaching for me.

"Won't do no good," Greg said, twisting the gun. "Silver bullets."

"Silver bullets?" I asked because Robin made no further attempt to shield me, instead stepped to the side a little.

"Unlike normal lead, silver which is much denser. Goes straight through even a werewolf," Robin explained through clenched teeth.

"Any bullet that hit him, would hit you too," Greg said. "Now get back in the cell."

"No," Robin growled.

Greg's upper lip twisted.

The gun went off.

The shot was loud, ringing in my sensitive ears.

It was strange. The trauma of Owen's death, the surprise of Greg's betrayal, the fact that James was so far away - the whole pack - making hope of a rescue anytime soon foolish - it all paralyzed me.

So did the scent of Robin's blood.

Greg had actually shot Robin.

I turned to stare at him, searching for the wound. I could smell the blood but it took me several seconds to find its source. His thigh, just above his right knee.

"Get in the cell." Greg waved with the gun. "And if you try to change, I'm shooting you." That threat was directed at me, but Greg's eyes quickly swung back to Robin.

"Greg," I tried even though I wanted nothing more than to focus on Robin. Ask him if he was alright, apply pressure to his wound, anything. "What's the plan here?"

Greg was transfixed by the blood though. His eyes had turned yellow and his shoulders were rolling. I wondered if he gave into the change that would be good or not. It would make the gun useless to him. But in his wolf shape, overcome with bloodlust to boot, he'd be more dangerous than the gun could ever have been.

"You must know James will come for us," I said, trying to keep my voice calm even as the scent of Robin's blood grew stronger.

I wished he'd fall down or make a noise. Even press a hand to his wound. But he just stood there, eyes fixed on Greg. I saw then that Robin's eyes were silver. He was fighting the change too.

That could be just as much trouble. Two werewolves. Even if Robin killed Greg, he'd be wounded and wound up after the fight. I wasn't sure how clear his thinking would be nor how much alpha power I'd be able to draw upon to calm him if there was a need.

I had to do something. I had probably ten seconds before everything went to hell.

My only advantage was the fact that Greg seemed to have forgotten I was there. I had to use this chance.

As I reached forward, for the gun, I prayed, if I died, James would not become like Trist. Lost in the dark, in delusions and pain. I prayed his resistance to the mate bond would protect him. I prayed the pack would be fine with two losses in one night.

The gun went off again but I heard the bullet impact the wall. Just like I'd hoped, the surprise of what I'd done had given me the second I'd needed to get close enough and out of the way of the gun.

I didn't know fancy moves. I just figured if I got the gun out of the picture, Robin could take him. Bullet wound or not. 

Probably. Unless he was too close to changing.

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