o4: Hollister by starbrightt

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Title: Hollister

Author: starbrightt

Description: She just wanted their first meeting to be perfect.

Genres: short story; teen fiction

Tags: family; fostercare; hollister; mother; shopping

Status: complete

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In five pages, Daven manages to pack a punch with this short story about family: Audrey is a teenage girl preparing to meet her birth mother for the first time with the aid of her foster mother, Ann, and a pair of Hollister jeans.

There isn't much I can say without spoiling this short story, but it is well worth the five or ten minutes it may take you to read: Daven's description is absolutely on point and her characterisation is phenomenal. For so short a piece to accomplish so much is mind-blowing, and it's the kind of story you'll want to revisit over and over just to bask in the simple talent that Daven displays.

While Daven may not be underrated, this story from her side account certainly is! I urge you to read Hollister: it won't take you long and I am sure you won't be disappointed.

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