Part 1: Routine (With a Little Cinnamon)

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Sleep was a nice thing when he got it, which was rare. Luckily, though, sleep to an angel was more of a luxury than a necessity. A sparse luxury, indeed, but every chance he got to rest his eyes made Kai understand why humans enjoyed it so much.

Angels were supposed to always keep busy. Each class had their respective duty, ranging from guardianship to welcoming passed souls to helping souls pass, the latter of which Kai belonged to. Helping souls pass was the nice way to describe his job, but it was technically more accurate than saying killing or ending lives. They were the smallest of the classes, but they were considered to have one of the most difficult jobs, a reality which earned them a considerable amount of respect from the other classes. Bringing a soul into the Afterlife was never an easy task, especially those of tragic passing, those who barely got to live, and especially those who were special to the angel, but it was a necessary evil, as Kai referred to it. Without it, passed souls would get lost and become more vulnerable to the demons of the Underworld, who preyed on the lost and confused. That had happened to him once or twice and it brought about even worse feeling of remorse than taking someone away from the people that loved them.

His eyes were just about to close when he heard the familiar ring. He sat up with a sigh and looked down at his watch. 12 minutes had lapsed since his last ring, which was considered long, nearly a record. Contrary to the other angels, who saw it as the humans kindly but unknowingly giving them a break by not dying, Kai saw it as a sign of progress; a sign that humanity was getting better at helping its people live longer and that gave him hope; hope that one day, his type of evil would no longer be necessary. 

But that day clearly wasn't today. So, he lifted his hand and read the message as it appeared in front of his face. 

Name: Ha Jae Yong 
Age: 43
Location: Ulsan, South Korea
Time till passing: 8 minutes

It wasn't the worst mission description he had ever read. That gave him hope it would be an easy passing, someone who had been suffering for a long time and him showing up would give him relief rather than suffering. Those were always the easiest to cope with.

He stood up and let out another breath before teleporting himself to the named location. There was a temporary moment where all movement of life stopped and this was no unusual occurrence for Kai. It was something that happened to all angels regardless of class, but it was considered amateur for the Angels of Death, as they were the class that visited Earth most often. Some of the older, more experienced angels could appear without causing any disruption to the lives of mortals, but it was a difficult skill for any to master. Pausing time was the simplest way for those who were still learning to complete their missions because most humans were so caught up in their own lives to take notice. They also didn't understand time the same way the angels did, so that helped.

Kai found himself standing in front of a city hospital, one he had been to before and this gave him even more hope for an easy passing. All of his missions here thus far had been positive ones. They were all cases of long-time suffering and his presence was actually appreciated by the souls. He smiled a little; he was hopeful.

He was led up to the hospital's sixth floor and around a few corners before he stopped at a door marked by the number 621. The folder inside the bin on the wall to the left of the door was labeled with the name he had seen in his mission description: Ha Jae Yong. That was another thing he liked about having missions in hospitals and other medical institutions, he could always verify he was in the write place if somehow his angel instincts led him astray. It rarely happened, but it was always a worry he carried around with him.

But he could let go of it for a moment with this mission. He walked through the closed door (because going through the trouble of opening it might cause unnecessary panic in the soul) and observed a man laying perfectly still in the hospital bed. He was wearing an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose, which confirmed to Kai this would be not only an easy passing but a peaceful one as well.

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