Part 2: Peculiar (Luck)

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To say he was friends with the other angels in his class would be a stretch. Not because he wasn't deserving of friends or vice versa; it was mostly by choice that angels were like this. They had important duties to attend to, after all, which left little time for much else. This was especially true for Angels of Death. Thanks to this, Kai spent much of his time in between mission callings alone with his thoughts, which were mostly occupied by the cute café boy Kyungsoo.

There were a few angels, two to be exact, whom he had gotten close to. Xiumin and Moonkyu they were called. Xiumin had lived a longer life than them both, so he was harder to crack than Moonkyu, who was younger and more prone to stray from the rules. Kai liked to think he was somewhere in between them: strict when he had to be but lenient also.

He was just about to sit down for a brief rest when the two said angels appeared before him. "Speaking of the demons," Kai said not seriously with a small grin on the corner of his lips.

"Hey, you know what the rules are," Moonkyu replied. "No swearing." He chuckled and Kai mirrored him. "Did you just get back from a mission?"

"Yeah," he replied with a small yawn. "Berlin. Old woman. Heart attack I think."

"Ah, sounds peaceful. Mine was in Mexico. Kid got hit by a car chasing his dog out onto the street. Tragic really. I couldn't stand to be there long after seeing how upset his parents were."

"I'm sorry. I know how hard that must have been for you," Kai said sympathetically. It was considered polite to apologize to an Angel of Death after a traumatic passing. It was comforting in a way because they all had been there at one point and that made them feel less alone, reassured them they were doing the right thing.

"Thank you. It was, but I fear that's not as bad as it gets."

"It's not," Xiumin said, chiming in and earning the younger males' attention. "You never know what you will arrive to when you get a calling, but you have to be prepared for the worst nonetheless. It's our duty to protect passing souls regardless of how they come to pass."

"Oh, hyung, why did you have to go and make things so serious?" Kai whined, half jokingly.

"Because this is serious, Kai," the elder replied with no change in facial expression. "Our work is nothing to joke or laugh about. We're talking about death here. Actual death. That's serious."

"Um, I think you meant to say passing, not death," Moonkyu said with a mischievous grin. "It's crucial to be politically correct at all times."

Xiumin sent him a glare that only made the two younger angels laugh as he rolled his eyes. "We cannot afford to fool around. It's okay to have fun when the moment calls for it, but our work comes first and foremost. We cannot risk losing souls to the demons. That's worse than witnessing the worst cause of passing you can conjure up." The two angels went quiet after that. They were still young, but even they knew talk of demons was nothing to laugh about.

"We're sorry, hyung," Kai said. "We didn't mean to upset you."

"It's okay, I know you didn't." Xiumin nodded his head faintly. "I just want to be assured we all know what we're to be focusing on. We have one of the most important duties of all the classes, which means we can't afford to waste any moments we could be helping a soul. That includes wasting time on Earth."

Kai's face fell. He kind of wished he could take back that apology. "Did you really think we wouldn't find out?" Moonkyu asked as he smiled widely. "You go into mortal mode whenever you have a calling in South Korea. You made a pretty easy pattern for us to decode."

"Look, I'm sorry, I can't help myself," Kai replied as he stood up. "It's like another calling or something. I can't ignore it."

"Yeah, yeah." Moonkyu rolled his eyes playfully. "So, who is it, huh? Who is it that has you so infatuated?"

Love Mortality (A KaiSoo Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant