Part 5: Not The Last (Goodbye)

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The next three days were...different for Kai, to say the least. Not a bad kind of different by any means. In fact, it was a good different, a great one even.

For one thing, he got to sleep more than he ever had in his whole existence. Kyungsoo took the opening shift at the cafe specifically for this reason. He said as much as he wanted to do a lifetime's worth of activities in three days, before Kai had to go back until who knew when, he could see how exhausted the angel was and decided to save it for his his next visit.

Still, the pair spent a majority of their time together and Kai was finally starting to understand why some angels gave up their immortality for love. He would do it without hesitation if he knew it would feel like those three days did forever.

Sadly, that was the pitfall for him as well. He saw heartbreak all the time, both in the afterlife and on Earth, and the one thing all those people had in common was they all thought their love would last forever. "That's what it felt like," they would say. "It felt like it would never end." Sure, everything felt great now, but give it time, Kai thought to himself; he'll get tired of you only being able to spend three days with him at a time and find someone better.

He shook his head at those thoughts. Xiumin was in his head too much; he really should stop taking everything he says to heart, he made a mental note to himself.

Sure, Kyungsoo may not like him forever, but at least he could move on knowing he did at some point. It's better to have loved than to have not loved at all, right?

"Kai." Kyungsoo's sweet yet deep voice called him out of his trance and he looked up from his spot on the couch. The elder smiled at him and laughed softly under his breath. "I thought I lost you for a minute there. Are you okay?"

"Yes, of course," Kai said quickly as he chuckled and stood up, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Sorry. I tend to do that sometimes."

"It's okay." Kyungsoo smiled and laughed again and all Kai could think about was how he wanted to take a picture of this moment and store it in his memory forever. "So, I was thinking about what we could do that we haven't yet and I realized I haven't taken you to a movie yet. I didn't want to overdo it since you have to leave tonight, but at the same time, I didn't want to just stay in, you know? A movie seemed like a healthy medium. I don't know maybe I'm just overthinking this."

"A movie sounds great, hyung," the angel said, seeing the elder relax a little. "I've actually never been to a cinema before. I don't really have time for entertainment like that where I'm from."

"I'm beginning to think you need to quit your job." Kyungsoo was walking toward the coat hanger by the door as he spoke.

Kai raised his eyebrows and exhaled as he began to follow him. "I wish it was that easy..." he mumbled.

And he did. Deep down, he wished he could just rip his metaphorical wings (because actual angel didn't have wings) right off and stay here with Kyungsoo forever. But forever was such a scary word full of uncertainty that he wasn't sure he was ready to commit to.


After the movie ended, Kai admitted didn't remember much of what it was about. The plot, he though it was called. The pair had made it about ten minutes into the movie when they decided to start making out. Suddenly, he realized why Kyungsoo had chosen seats all the way back in the darkest corner of the room.

Still, the feeling was nice and the angel didn't think he'd ever tire of it. He didn't know if it was simply the act of kissing that made his heart flutter (as someone who had never kissed before two days ago) or if it was kissing him in particular. Either way, he never wanted to let go of the feeling that close intimacy blessed him with.

The moon was shining brightly over the city by the time they made it back to Kyungsoo's apartment. Kai decided against going up with him because he knew he'd never be able to go back if he did.

"I guess this is goodbye, huh?" Kyungsoo's voice was heavy with sorrow, though he attempted to cover it up with a sign, when he spoke and the angel hated to hear it. "Our three days are up. Back to reality."

"Hey," he said, picking up the elder's fallen face with his hands. He smiled at the pouting face in front of him and leaned down to kiss him gently. "I'll come back, I promise. I don't know when, but I will. Even if it's just to say hi to you at work." Kyungsoo's pout lifted a little but not fully. "This won't be the last time we see each other."

"It better not be," he replied, grabbing onto Kai's waist and gripping his jacket tightly in his hands. "We have a lot more making out to do." They both laughed before Kyungsoo leaned up to give him one last kiss. This one lingered on the angel's heart and lips even after they separated. Kyungsoo hesitantly let go of him and took a few steps back. "I'll see you later?"

Kai nodded and smiled. "I'll see you later." He received a smile back, as well as a little wave, before the elder opened the door to his apartment building and disappeared inside. Kai stood there until he saw the light in the fifth floor window turn on. He let out a long sigh and glanced up once more before walking away.

He found an empty alley and stepped into it. He felt time freeze and before he knew it, he was back in the afterlife. There had been plenty of time he dreaded coming back here, but none as much as now. Seconds away from Kyungsoo and he already felt the loneliness setting in.

"Welcome back, lover boy." Moonkyu's unexpected presence startled Kai. "How was your visit?"

"Amazing...but not long enough."

"As expected," the younger angel said. "From what I have heard from other angels, they never are." Kai just hummed and nodded. "Well, look at this way. You just have to work your ass for the next week, in human time that is, and then you can go back."

"Yes, that is true, but how long will it take before I get tired of doing that?" Kai said, looking at Moonkyu. He looked away shortly after, though. "Before Kyungsoo gets tired of it..."

"In that case, I would suggest just taking the trade deal." Kai looked at him sharply. "But I know how you feel about that, so I wasn't going to." The elder angel exhaled again and laid his face in hands.

"I suppose I've got my work cut out for me?" he said with a muffled voice.

Moonkyu laughed an evil laugh. "I'll pray for you, my friend. That's all I'm going to say."

Kai sighed again.


Do I even try to explain why I've been gone for so long or do I just ignore it and act like it never happened?

But yeah hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I know it was short, but it was kind of cute nonetheless. Thanks for reading y'all XOXO

(As you can see, I went with the latter option)

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