chapter 10

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She leaned in again. Gripping me tighter. Ready to bury herself in my mouth again.

"What the hell!!??" I was in disbelief

Did.. di-did she just kiss me?! Did she want more?! Wth!

"Was it that bad?" Irene asked with wide eyes, laughing

"No.. I mean Yes.. I mean I don't know-" I stumbled like a dumb stupid ass bi***

"Haha it's ok! You just had your first kiss. It's normal for you to feel strange. Maybe I shouldn't have kissed you with the tounge but... It felt great, didn't it? You have suuuuper soft lips! How do you do that? What do you use?..........."

While she was the old bubbly Irene, I felt completely changed, like a whole other woman. I felt something in me when she kissed me. It felt electrifying, through my whole body like a shock.
What was that? Was that normal? What is happening to me now?

"You okay?" Irene asked concerned

"Oh yes, YES... I just need to go outside for a moment, do you mind waiting here?"

I needed to get out of there and get a clear view on that.

"Oh no not at all but... I really want to get out of this clothes! Could I borrow some PJ's from you?"

I just nodded and was out the door.

I walked fast, I didn't know where I was going.
What kind of hall is that? 
That seemed new. Oh there is a balcony. I went to the glass door and opened it to go outside. It was a beautiful rooftop terrace with gorgeous flowers lightened by the moonlight.

I enjoyed the fresh air and the smell of sardegnia! It smelled so fresh, so rich. I took a few deep breaths.

"Hey. You still up, too?"

I jumped. My heart racing. I could feel my heartbeat through my wrist.
"Gosh, you scared me to death"

"Oh god I'm so sorry" the woman chuckled.

I knew that sound but I couldn't recognize the woman. It was too dark and definitely to late for me to function.
Then it hit me

"MERYL?" I asked into the darkness

"Yes, hi. You seemed distraught when you came outside... everything ok? If you don't mind me asking" Meryl answered.

STAY coooool lilly... stay COOOOOOOL 

"Oh.. ya I just had a strange moment with my friend..."

WhY aRe YoU tElLiNg HeR aBoUt YoUr PrObLeMs! aRe YoU sTuPiD lIlLy?

"You mean that girl... Irene!? Right?"

Is she really interested in that? In ME? Well let's give it a shot... I mean... advice from Meryl wouldn't hurt.

"Yes... she kissed me."

"Oh wow... but why though?" She was clearly shocked.

"She asked if I've been kissed before and I said no and that's when she kissed me"

"Oh. But did you want it?"

"I don't know. That's why I came out here... I don't know how I should feel about it?!"

"Did you kiss her back?"Meryl asked motherly

"I-I th-think I uh I di-hid-d-d" I started sobbing

Argh! First rule of fandom: never ever cry infront of a celebrity!

I felt stupid. I was standing on a roof . Crying. MERYL STREEP sitting next to me, probably thinking I'm stupid for crying about stuff like this.
I turned around so she couldn't see my ugly crying-face. Now that I'm thinking about it she couldn't have seen it anyway because it was so dark but... eatherway I did it.

Suddenly i felt a hand on my arm and stopped sobbing for a second. Then a warming hug. She hugged me so tight that for a moment I forgot why I was crying.

Then she pushed my hair out of my face and hugged me again "You know lilly, I was in a similar situation once!"

I couldn't believe it "You're kidding!?"

She looked at me with a smile "No not at all! With my roommate. Her name was Debbie and we had a sleepover with a lot of people, a lot of whomI didn't know. We played 7 min in heaven and me and Debbie were chosen to go into the closet. I thought I was lucky because I wouldn'thave to kiss some random guy and could hang out 7 min with Debbie. But she was very sure we would do it in there!"

"OMG ! What happened then?" I was shocked.

"Well we closed the closet and she jumped on me. I was freaked out at first and pushed her back. But as she looked at me woth her big hazel eyes and said "pleeeeaaaassssseeee this happens just once in a lifetime! It's gonna be fun" she eventually got me around and I kissed her."

"You did!? You kissed her back?" *shocked af*

"Yes.. i mean... we kinda even made out...  I felt her tongue in my mouth - that was my first french kiss! I had it with my best friend in high school!" She chuckled and looked up to the sky like she was thinking about it again and smiled brightly.

Then she looked at me again and saw my questioning look.

"How was it after that? Was it any weird between you and Debbie?"

"OH it was VEEERRRRYYY weird. She wouldn't talk to me for like 2 weeks!!!"

"Why would she do that? She's the one who kissed you! You didn't do anything wrong! In fact you did not even do ANYTHING! She kissed you!"
I told her I didn't understand and if it was weird it was Debbie's fault!

But Meryl taught me different: "You know... I kissed her back. So I was as involved as her in that situation and it was OUR fault!"

That widened my mind at like a huuugggeee expanse!

I needed to talk to Irene!

"Meryl! I love you for that! Thank you"

I gave her a big smooch on the cheek and I ran towards the hall

Irene here I come!

* Omg 1000 words 😂😍 I hope you like it! Question for you guys:  did anything like this happen to you sometime?
And as always you can make suggestions on the story! Just dm me😘

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