Chapter 7: " The Syndrome. "

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    " No! Let me go! " I screamed as she grabbed the ropes around me and began dragging me to the basement door. " STOP IT! " I tried to claw at something on the floor, anything. Panic was flowing through me as I realized I was loosing my chance to get out of here. Yuri tugged the rope tighter and I yelped, releasing the grip I had and being dragged closer to the door.

    " Calm down, " Yuri stated sternly, grabbing me and taking me down the stairs. " It will only be a short while, dear. " I yelped and began to panic even more, trying to reach for the direction of the door, but Yuri carried me farther and farther down the stairs. No! I-I'm too far! I..I'll never get out of here..! Yuri gently laid me down on the floor and wrapped something around my ankle, tying it to a table.

    " P-please.. " I begged as Yuri stood up in front of me. " I..I want to go home-.. " I whimpered and began to sniffle, tears rolling down my cheeks. I curled in a ball, pressing my face into my knees. I heard a gentle sigh and Yuri walked over to me, kneeling in front of me and wrapping her arms around me.

    " Shh... " Yuri whispered in my ear, petting my head and holding me close to her. " It's alright my love. I am only doing this to make sure you wont run away from me.. " I felt myself grow more calm and even pressed myself closer to Yuri's embrace. I heard Yuri give a surprised noise, but then a satisfied sigh as she held me tighter. She's so warm and..she seems so gentle... I broke my thoughts quickly. What am I doing? She is taking me hostage! She is not someone to love, she is someone to fear!

     I could feel her holding me tighter and tighter. Yuri began to nuzzle my neck and I felt myself almost melt right where I sat. I tried to assert myself and tried to resist Yuri, but it all lead to failure.

  Yuri chuckled, " I can see you're trying to fight with yourself. Is it because of me? " I stared at her and then back at the floor awkwardly. " Oh. I see. " Yuri's voice went to an odd tone, and I suddenly felt her lay on top of me, resting her head on my chest. I yelped and stared at her, wide eyed.

   " What are you..doing...? " I asked awkwardly. Yuri put her hands on both my hips, setting all kinds of red flags through out my body. I began to try and move away from her, but she used her body weight against me, keeping me pinned to the basement floor. " W-wait..hey..! Get off! " I yelped, trying to move my legs and accidentally kneeing her once. She let out a small moan and glanced at me.

   " Oh-I see now, " Yuri grabbed my thighs tighter, and I felt the blood rush to my face once again. This shouldn't be can't be! I need to stop her before this gets any further but she's ten times stronger than me.  Yuri's face leaned over mine, her hair like a violet pool falling to the floor. Her eyes locked with mine and her smile grew wider. Yuri used one hand to cover my eyes, my breathing grew heavier and panicked. 

    " Wait-what are yo- " I was cut off by Yuri pressing her lips against mine and her hand slid off from my eyes and onto my cheek. I squirmed as we locked lips, but she kept them locked together tightly, trying to break my lips open with her tongue. I shouldn't-! I shouldn't-! I kept thinking to myself, but to be honest, I really wanted to. I let out a whimper as Yuri's hand stroked my cheek gently. Don' it...resist the urge, Monika!

    I felt sweat drip down my face. Yuri had been kissing me for so long, I didn't know how she was still breathing. Relief rushed over me as Yuri pulled up, gasping deep breaths of air as she sat on my legs.

     " Oh, you are a tough one, sweetheart! " Yuri exclaimed with a hint of excitement. " I am really going to like breaking you! " I wiggled out from under her, gasping for air. I could hear Yuri mumble something seductively to herself, her hands getting fidgety. I heard something about a pen, but couldn't pick up the rest. I watched as Yuri got up and grabbed something from the table, blowing me a kiss, and walking back upstairs. She closed the door behind her, leaving me in the basement.

     The basement was like any other. It had carpet flooring though, which I suppose is better than concrete. Yuri had a bed in the corner of the room with a table by the side where my chain was connected. I guess I have to sleep here tonight and try to find a way out tomorrow. Though, thinking of Yuri just sent blushes across my face, making me look like a drunk idiot. I curled up on the bed and fell asleep, the thought of fear on my mind with a hint of blush.

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