Chapter 12: " Enough. "

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     I tried to pull myself out of Yuri's grip by pushing my body weight in the opposite direction, but it didn't work in my favor. Yuri carefully lifted the knife and wrapped her arms around my chest area, applying pressure so I could barely breath.

   " I am afraid that school will have to be canceled today, " Yuri hissed slightly, noticeably focusing on cutting some air circulation in my chest area. I began to wheeze, trying to apply my hands onto her arms and pulling back.

    " Y...uri...! " I choked out the words, feeling saliva sliding down the corners of my mouth, "! " Yuri seemed to ignore my pleas and kept her grip on my lungs. I began to choke and my vision faded in and out. Finally, Yuri let me go and I dropped to the floor.

   " I didn't want to have to do that, " Yuri sighed, pressing her index finger on the knife and setting it on a bedside table, " but you left me no choice. Now I must seem like the bad guy. " I sat up, coughing and wiping the saliva off the corner of my mouth. As I regained my strength, I shot an angry glance at Yuri.

   " Just who in the hell do you think you are?! " I hissed, staggering to my feet and watching Yuri's eyes narrow in surprise. " Do you think that I am some kind of object?! " I threw my hands in the air, but kept my distance. She still is in reach of the knife.

    " I only- " Yuri spoke but I cut her off quickly with an angered hiss.

   " No! No excuses! I am tired of you throwing me around! You kidnapped me, attacked me, harassed me, and guilted me! " I stated sternly, counting it out with my fingers. " I am here out of the benefit of trying to get you HELP! I am not here to be your girlfriend! I am not even here to be your friend! " I hissed and glared directly at Yuri.

    "You, " Yuri hesitated to collect her words as she stumbled slightly, " you..are...not...LEAVING! " I saw Yuri reach for the bedside table. I ran at her and grabbed the knife before she could, staggering back and holding it out in her direction.

    " Stay back! " I hissed, holding the knife out shakily. I can't stab a person...but... she wont call my bluff. She has no idea as long as I stay calm. Yuri took one step forward and I thrusted the knife forward slightly. " I said..s-stay back! "

    " You can't do it, " Yuri chuckled, setting me in an off-set mood. " You won't do it. " She was right. She was 100% correct on that statement. I staggered as sweat dripped down my forehead and I took a big gulp of air.

    " Y-you're right! I won't s-stab you, but I c-can hit you with he blunt end of this b-blade! " I yelped, now realizing how pathetic I sound out loud. I must be amusing her more than intimidating. Oh god. Yuri took another step forward, looking like she was eyeing a small rabbit or mouse.

    " Maybe if I console you, " Yuri said in a slightly seductive voice, " you will change your mind. " Yuri began taking small strides towards me and I tried to muster the courage to prepare to hit her with the knifes blunt end. Once Yuri was at arms length of a distance, I lifted the blade and began to prepare to strike her. But, as I began lowering the blade in a swift motion, Yuri grabbed my hand preventing me from striking her. In shock, I let go of the blade and it clanked to the ground. All courage, gone.

      " Con-console me? " I hesitated to ask, regretting what answer she may give. Yuri didn't let go of my arm.

    " Console you, " she repeated. I saw her hand move in a swift motion and I collapsed to the floor, my eyes blinking a few times before I realized she had hit my spine, temporarily paralyzing me. What is she planning on doing to me? Rape me? Wouldn't doubt it. Tie me up? Most likely. Kill me? High probability. I watched as Yuri began to grab some rope and tie me to a chair next to her bed. I was able to move my mouth, so I used it to my advantage.

    " Is this some weird fetish of yours..? " I asked, mustering some remaining courage. Yuri chuckled and smiled at me. Creepy.

      " Possibly, " Yuri said soothingly, " I suppose it is. I wouldn't mind seeing you tied up and blind folded a few times. " I tried to hide the utter terror on my face. I was wrong. It's not just to tie me up, it's both rape and tying me up.

      " Let me-go! " I yelped suddenly. " I don't want to do this anymore! Please-! " I couldn't move, I was paralyzed, and Yuri was taking amusement from it. Yuri chuckled at me and reached for me. Hell no-back off! I bit down on Yuri's hand. Yuri reeled back.

     " You bit me, " Yuri gritted her teeth in slight pain.

     " That was for trying to seduce me! " I hissed at Yuri.

    " I wasn't seducing you, " Yuri stated, licking her blood off her hand, " but I could. "

    Ah shi-

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