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So. Ok. Listen here. The person whom I love is nonbinary, meaning they go by gender neural pronouns I.e they/them

Their name is Autumn Delta. Their dead name is none of your buisness. And theyre the literal opposite of me, I like red they like blue. So on and so forth. They are my everything and they know it too (I know your here autumn, you lill cutie).

I am a transgender boy, my name is Aaron Mathew. My dead name is and will always rest under the mountian of nunya.
Were both 14, im 7 days older so I get to make fun of them alot about it.. trust me we have entire conversations about that one subject.
But sadly, I am shorter and get made fun of alot.
so just to clarify, sere from the U.S. My precious autumn is from a northern state and is used to the cold. Were in one of the northern most states right now but they still can have snowdays like no ones buisness. Im telling ya its crazy. And I thought i was allright in the winter. It was 48 Fahrenheit and they were wearing FUCKING LEGGINGS AND A T-SHIRT WHILE I WAS OFF FREEZING MY NUTS OFF. anyway... dont mind me.
Ok. Wow. Friends. Heh. I have this sister-like friend. Her name it jewels. And shes a handfull. And autumn and I have adopted this friend-child, her name is bunny-girl. And we will protect these children with everything we've got. And they will be happy and safe no matter what.

Ok. Nowww. Hmmm. Heres something ya need to understand, neither of us have the best familys and were both planning to leave wothout telling them where we are. So this book is going to be mostly about just the two of us and friends.
Ok thats about it. I think ill post these randomly. I now have to edit the crap out of it.

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