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Ok so yeah, have yall watched 'friends'? Cus that show is one of the best things ever. But when we get into collage, we want to get more friends, especially when we leve this state. Our parents are basically socially drowning us/depriving us. So were going to start a new fresh story, that is our own and it'll be fucking awsome.
Right now, we have bunny girl and jewels (A.K.A stabby-ty-stab-stab) that we kill keep forever. But they (for the most part) are going to stay up here in this state. So the only comunication we will have will probably weird group chats and odd face times.
But I want to have more of them when we get into the apartment. They will be as followed.
Chandler: comic relief
Ross: adorable older brother
Monica: mom-ica
Pheobe: someone to be gay with
Joey: someone to be smexy with
Rachel: god knows I need fashion help

But that doesnt be exact, I just would like at least a chandler, pheobe and joey. That'd be so kick ass.
Bunny girl has a crush on french-fry.
Stabby-ty-stab-stab has a boyfriend
And autumn and I have well as split ownership of those two adorable lill things.

Ok I think this is it for tonight. But ill think of something later.

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