moving out

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So, autumn and I have been talking about moving out for a long time now. They live about 15 minutes away from where I live if your driving. But its a killer to walk there. But this is going to be how I want the day to go. We'll be 18 by the way.

Morning: last day of highschool. Just got accepted to my dream collage. This day has been an emotional rollar coster and it couldnt have been better. Jewels is having a party I can't go to. Bunny-girl is going to french-fry's house (french fry is bunny girl's crush and I love them together) for their 3 year anniversary. Im headding out to autumns house to pick them up after school.
Afternoon: I go home and atach the u-haul to the back of my car. I call my mom telling her off about everything she has done to me. I go inside and leave a note for my dad telling him that the years of adolescence that I lived with him were  the worst that I will ever have to endure.
Picking them up: their crying. Little tears of happiness when I show up. Their parents are gone away for the rest of the day, and only their siblings are left home to help us pack. We put the things into the u-haul and close it up. I hug and thank welpie (autumns older sis) and danno (autumns older brother). I go up to sam (gross older brother) and slap the stinky fucker. I go to darty (autumns nephew/ our adopted son)  and give him a hug and tell him that he can come visit us whenever he wants to. I would tell autumn to get in the car and I would put a note on their parents bed. The note would be about how I have taken better care of there child then they did, how if I had the chance to take them to jail I would. Than we'd leave and listen to 'here comes the sun' by the beatles. And we would go down-state and start our new lives, together and happy, away from our pasts that wont be ablt to get us anymore. Leaving the tear stained pillows, the bloody razors, and the scars there, where they belong. In the past

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