collage plans

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Ok. Ehh. This one. This one is.ginna kill me. Bear with me as I rant. So, disclaimer, I dont know exactly what autumn wants to do. I know its humany science for smart people, but its pretty cool. They want to work with cops like a forensics expert or something. But I do know thar their really into stars and stuff. They know crap tons about the strs and space, nothing I ever will learn in school. But heres what I want to do and the reasons.

What I want to do: I want to get a masters in clinical psychology. And at least a bacholers in social work and maybe qualifications to be a CPS (Child Protective Services) agent.
Why: as a child, all I ever wanted was for someone to come down from heaven and give me a hug and say "I will do everything I can to get you out of this". Amd no one did. Untill autumn. Than, when I was lifted from some of the most depressing times in my life, I decides to be that saviour for kids and teens who need me. I want to be the person who helps you one the worst day of your life, the man who takes you away from a bad place and fixes you. Thats who I want to be for people.

Ok. This is a really short chapter, but ill try to get autumn's collage plans and stuff so I can finich this chapter off with a compleated feeling.

our perfect futureTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon