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they unpacked and rest a little so they can gain some energy and go enjoy since they are next to a beach.

the boys sleep while the girls get ready but some of them sleep too

NY:im excited!

Sana:Me too unnie

Tzu yu:aren't you guys gonna rest

Sana:No just go

After an hour the girls woke up they get ready wear swimsuits so they can go swimming while the boys are getting ready too

The boys went to the lobby and wait for the girls

After a minute of waiting the girls showed up

Jin:I think they're just going to have photo

JM:Yeah right


Jihyo:Oh there they are


YG:Ohh my bunny you look pretty

NY:thank you


Sana:do you like my outfit?

TH:of course who wouldn't

NJ:no time to flirt let's go

NY:we're not going to swim

Jin:I told you they're just going take pictures


DH:Can't I go swim too?

NY:let's take pictures first come on

The girls are taking pictures while the boys are enjoying in swimming


After an hour or two the boys get out from the water and went to the girls whose eating

JY:Let's do something fun tonight like Truth or Dare


JY:BTS will come too

Sana:That will be fun

Chaeng:Okay I'mma change now

DH:Me too

MM:Wait for me

BTS went to eat too while the girls are uploading the photos they took

NY:we're going to our room eat well

YG:Okay bye

JY:oh and later were coming to your room let's do something fun


The girls went to their room and change their clothes

JM:what "fun"?

Jk:Hyung why are you so green?

HS:that means we're gonna play something or maybe we'll tell stories or watch a movie

JM:ohh okay its my time to confess something later that I like Dubu


Is Jimin gonna confess to Dahyun?
Will Dahyun reject her?or answer him?
Will someone be affected on Jimin's confession?
Will someone break up?
Or will someone hurt a lot about someones confession?

Find out at the next chapter!!!!
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