Chapter 3

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That's weird. The walls here are usually white bricks, not black fabric.... Oh no.

I look up to see that the wall is a human being.

A very
aesthetically pleasing human.

I think that jaw just cut my diamond earrings.
• •
Of course, I acted completely chill. No reaction, just went on with my day.
I stood there, my mouth opening and closing without sound coming out. God, I probably look like a moron.
Say hey, say sorry, say ANYTHING dangit!
"What are you, mute?" He asks.
Great. Just great.
"Is it too late to say sorry?" I ask, trying to walk around him. He holds his arm out and stops me.
" Did you just quote Justin Bieber at me?" His face is the epitome of confusion. I use his confusion, pushing past and rushing into the hallway, getting lost in the crowd. slipping into the auxiliary gym, I gave a sigh of relief when I see it's empty.

Pairing my Bluetooth speaker to my phone, I start my dance playlist. "Love Myself by Hailey Steinfeld comes on as I begin to stretch, starting simple with my back and hamstrings, then my calves, neck, and feet. The song changes to "Ain't Your Momma" by Jlo. that's my cue to start working on my splits and straddle. I have my straddle easily, but I give extra attention to my left split. It's my worst side. Thankfully, I wore leggings today so I won't have to worry about them splitting. "Centuries" by FOB plays when I do my battement combo and "Despacito" during my turns across the floor. Then, I do a pirouette drill to "Confident". I decide to turn fouettes to "Sorry", since now it was stuck in my head. Halfway through my 24th turn, I hear the doors open and close, but they probably left so I ignore it. Losing counts, I decide to keep going until either the song ends or I get dizzy. Eventually, I feel myself off balance and finish semi-gracefully, taking a breath.

Someone claps.

Slow, loud claps, sounding like gunshots in the dark. My mind knows it's just a sound of clapping, but my body ignores. I bolt into a locker room slamming the door and leaning against it. I slide down, moving away from the cold draft under the door to further down the wall as I feel tears trickling down my face. My fist finds its way into my mouth to quiet my useless sobs. What was wrong with me? why couldn't I move past that one night five years ago? I hear the door open and I try to collect myself. A boy walks in, the same dude I ran into earlier. I'm in the girls' locker room, why is he here? He comes over and wraps me in a hug. For some reason, I don't pull away. I do the opposite.

I fall apart.
° ° °
A/N- Hey! I think this is the longest chapter yet! Sorry, I'll try to keep them at least this long from now on.
So how do you like the book?
Should I do a cast list or just descriptions? I love you guys! Thanks for reading!

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