Chapter 4

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*Austin's Pov*
        I wake up to my annoying maid, Clara, knocking on the door. 

      ¨Whhaaattt?¨ I groan.

      ¨Sir, your bus just passed the house. Will you be driving to school today, or should I call the school?¨ she replies, muffled through the door. Sometimes her French accent can really get on my nerves. Wait, 


     My bus passed. Perfect. Technically, I'm not supposed to drive Dad's motorcycle, but since Mom is using his car while hers gets detailed today, I guess there will have to be an exception. I get ready, not really trying to go fast. I mean, they already expect us to be at school, let alone on time. On my way out, I grab a baked oatmeal cup off the counter. Even if I don't like her all of the time, Clara makes the best food. Ever. I hop on the motorcycle and head out the garage off to prison -sorry- school.

     I pull into the parking lot a fashionable 3 minutes after the arrival bell.  Walking into the lobby, I feel all eyes on me as I walk towards my circle of friends, as per usual. The door monitor doesn't even try to give me a pass. She just scribbles my name down, shaking her head. That old hag already knows there's no way for her to stop me. 

     ¨Hey,  Austin. We were wondering if you would show up today. There's supposed to be a new girl today. A quiet one.¨ a smirk creeps on to Cole's face as he adds the last part. Hmmm... I'm good with the quiet ones. 

     You see, this is our friend group. There's Cole, the shortest one. He has black hair and stands at around 5' 5¨. Then there's Slavik. He moved here from Ukraine around 5 years ago and stands at around 5' 9¨. And then there's me. I am exactly 5'11¨. Since freshman year, we have played a game where we try to get more girls to fall for us and kiss us than the other two. I was winning at first, but then Cole got ahead with Angie Wentzel. Now, I'm in second. and I'm very competitive. 

We head to the gym since we are all on the football team. Footballers have gym first so that we are not as tired for practice after school. We play dodgeball as the new girl sits on the side after I accidentally hit her face when she walked in. I still haven't seen her face, since she kept her hoodie up. I don't care, I'll have her falling for me soon. Class ends, so I get changed and make my way somewhere for my free period. Within 3 minutes, something small -no, a someone- runs into me. It's the new girl. She doesn't say anything. 

¨What are you, mute?¨ I ask.

¨Is it too late now to say sorry?¨ she quotes. What the hell? What is she, some Bieber-Fever stricken freak? Maybe it was just a coincidence?

¨Did you just quote Justin Bieber at me?¨ I press, even more confused when she brushes past me. She heads towards the aux gym, so I decide to take a lap through the hallways and follow her. I give her 10 minutes, then stand outside the gym doors for another minute. Music is playing, so I sneak inside, the bass covering the sound of the door. She's dancing, but not like the gyrating I've seen at parties and dancing. This is hard, and she's good. I stand there, watching in awe as she finishes what seems like a million turns. 

I clap loudly. 

She deserves it after all, not to mention she has a great body. She bolts into the girls locker room. Crap. Did I do something wrong? I probably scared her. I go to check on her because no one else should be in there. I open the door to see her not-so-quietly sobbing. I pick her up and hold her. Why? I don't know. But she falls apart in my arms. What do I do now?

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