Chapter 5

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     Slow, loud claps, sounding like gunshots in the dark.

       My mind knows it's just a sound of clapping, but my body ignores. I bolt into a locker room slamming the door and leaning against it. I slide down, moving away from the cold draft under the door to further down the wall as I feel tears trickling down my face. My fist finds its way into my mouth to quiet my useless sobs. What was wrong with me? Why couldn't I move past that one night five years ago?

      I hear the door open and I try to collect myself. A boy walks in, the same dude I ran into earlier. I'm in the girls' locker room, why is he here? He comes over and wraps me in a hug. For some reason, I don't pull away. I do the opposite.

     I fall apart.

     His arms wrap around me, warm and strong. I don't know why, but his smell just... calms me. It's like a combination of the woods and cinnamon candies. Why am I even letting him do this? Besides my brother, I haven't let anyone touch me. Nobody. Not since last summer. My sobs quiet much faster than usual. I feel his tear-stained shirt under my cheek. And that's when it hits me.

     I just ugly cried onto a complete stranger's shoulder.

     I pull back, wiping my face with my sleeve and pulling my hoodie up. I can't let him see them. The white line around my neck, the set of 3 across my lips, looking like they were stitched closed. He can't see them. No one can. Luckily, I packed my makeup because when I sweat I sometimes sweat some off. If only I could go get my bag...

     I stand up from the bench he sat us down on and head towards the door. I have my hand on the handle as I hear him call me to wait.

     ¨Are you ok?¨

     It's that same voice, the same one that asked if I was mute. 

     I turn around and see those familiar eyes, the gray giving way to some blue. Why him? Couldn't some random girl have found me, who would go on their way? Scratch that - how about nobody at all. Most people in this school know just to leave me alone, especially when I'm dancing. It helps that very few would actually be impressed or intrigued by me jumping and spinning all around.

     "Ye- yeah. Let me just get something from my bag." I reply, knowing full well that my shaky voice gave my lie away. Little lies, all the time. Somehow, I haven't gotten better with practice.


hey guys! I am not dead yet! Sorry this is so short, I wanted to just get something posted for you guys. 

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