Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Sitting at the desk in the Teller Morrow office, I am entering invoices when a couple of the guys walk in to clock in for work. "Morning Darlin." says Jax. "Morning." I say. "Morning little girl." Happy says. "Morning Hap." I say but don't really look up at them. I just keep entering invoices to be filed. The guys walk out to the garage, knowing we are busy and I can't help but watch as he heads to the garage. You see, I've been working here at Teller Morrow for almost a year and I am utterly in love with Happy freaking Lowman. Of course he doesn't know this and I want to keep it that way. Gemma, Lyla and Opie are the only ones that know how I feel about him. Gemma walks into the office and to her desk and asks "How's it going this morning?" I look up at her and smile and say "Busy." before looking back down at the invoice. "I see your man is working today." she tells me, smirking. "I don't have a man Gemma. You know that." I tell her as I look up and glare at her. "Not yet you don't." she says and I just shake my head and get back to work.

A little later, Gemma says "I'm going to spend some time with Abel. You got it here?" I smile at her and say "I got it." She smiles and heads out the door. Lunchtime rolls around and the prospect comes to tell me that lunch is here. I head into the clubhouse and grab my food and head back to the office, telling the prospect "Go ahead. I'm gonna work while I eat." He nods and heads back to the clubhouse. It's closing time and I go to close up the office when Happy comes in to clock out. Locking the door behind me he asks "You gonna hang for awhile?" I shake my head no and say "Nah, I'm just gonna head home." I tell him. He nods before walking into the clubhouse and me to my truck to leave.

Pulling up to my house, I walk in and sit on the couch. I don't bother eating, just flip through the channels but the only thing on my mind is Happy. My phone rings and I look and see my best friend Lyla's name appear on the screen. "Hey Ly." I say as I answer. "Hey girl. Where are you?" she asks. "Home." I say simply. "Why don't you come and hang out with me? Party is really going." she tells me. "I don't think so." I tell her. "Get you ass up and dressed. You have thirty minutes to get here before I come after and make one of the guys carry your ass here." she tells me. "Fine. Be there in thirty." I tell her before hanging up. I really don't want to do this but I get up and put on a pair of comfortable jeans and top, throw my hair in a ponytail, apply minimal makeup and my black boots and head out the door. Pulling up to the clubhouse, I roll my eyes at all of the half dressed women here. I hate looking at them knowing every one of them have been with him. Him. It's gonna suck having to see him with croweaters knowing it won't ever be me. I walk up to the boxing ring where I see several leather clad men standing and watching the fight. Happy and Tig are in the ring and I see two croweaters holding their kuttes, shirts and rings. Great. I walk up to Opie and he hugs me. "Where's Lyla?" I ask. "Bar. You gonna hang and watch your boy?" he asks, being one of the few that knows how I feel. "Not my boy." I tell him before pulling away and heading inside to find my best friend.

I walk up to the bar where Lyla is standing with Ima. Lyla sees me walk up and pulls me into a hug. "You came." she says. "You didn't give me much of a choice." I tell her. I look at Ima and she just smirks and walks away. "What was that about?" I ask. "Who knows." she tells me, rolling her eyes. "The fight still going?" she asks. "Was as of a minute ago." I tell her. I ask the prospect for a beer and he hands it to me with a smile. "You look nice Kelsey." he says. "Thanks Sack." I say smiling back. He moves to wait on other customers and Lyla looks at me. "I think he likes you." she tells me. "Don't." I tell her. "What?" she asks and I just glare at her. "Come on. I was kidding." she tells me.

A few minutes later, Tig and Happy come in both with croweaters hanging all over them. They walk to the bar and Happy is standing next to me with his whore hanging all over him and I can't handle it. "I'm gonna get some air." I tell her. She nods before her and Opie look at each other worried. I walk out to the lot and head to my truck. Putting the tailgate down, I jump up and just sit there drinking my beer, staring at the ground. I hear footsteps and I look up to see it's Jax. He jumps onto the tailgate and asks "You okay?" I look at him for a second and say "Yeah, just needed some air." I tell him. "Have anything to do with the brother that is hanging at the bar?" he asks. "There are several of your brothers at that bar Jackson. I just needed some air." I tell him. "Why don't you tell him?" he asks. "What would be the point?" I ask, shrugging my shoulder. "Because then he would know and so would you." he tells me. "There's nothing to know." I tell him. He looks at me for a minute and I say "I'm gonna head home. Can you tell Lyla I'll call her tomorrow?" I ask. "Yeah Darlin. I'll tell her." he tells me before jumping down. I jump down behind him and put up the tailgate and head home...alone...again.

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