Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

After we reach our release we redress and lay there together, my head on his chest and his arms around me. "I was telling Gemma, I honestly never thought I would be with you, much less be marrying you." I tell him. "You know I love you more than anything right?" he asks. "I know you do. That's another thing I was telling her. I just can't believe how much you love me and I love you more than anything but just when I think I can't love you more, you do something or say something that makes me love you that much more." I tell him. I look down and ask "Did you mean what you said about kids?" I ask. "Yeah. I did. Still do." he says. I move to my bag that's sitting next to the blanket and pull out an envelope and hand it to him. He opens the envelope and pulls out the contents. Looking at it and then at me, his eyes go wide. "Are you serious?" he asks. I nod my head yes. "Six weeks." I tell him. Pulling me closer he says "Why didn't you tell me, we would have taken your truck and not the bike?" he asks. "I am still early enough that it won't hurt me or the baby." I tell him. Kissing me deeply, he lays me down and hovers over me before he puts his hand on my stomach. When he breaks the kiss, he moves to put his lips near my stomach. "Hey kid. I can't wait to meet you but make sure you stay in there until you're ready. And be easy on you mom." he says and I can't help but smile.

We head back to the clubhouse and grab my truck before we head home. Walking inside, he takes out his phone and orders dinner. We sit on the couch and he pulls me into his lap. Kissing me softly, he deepens the kiss and I feel his hand move to my stomach and feel him rub small circles. I break the kiss and ask "Are you happy about this?" He smiles softly and says "Yeah baby, I am. I am so fucking happy." he tells me. "I was scared to tell you. Didn't know how you'd feel about it but when you told me that you wanted to have kids, I knew it would be okay." I tell him. "Don't ever think you can't tell me anything. I will always be here for you just like I know you will be for me but little girl, we're getting married and having a kid. I could not be happier." he tells me and I can't help but smile. "When do you want to tell everyone?" he asks me. "We could tell them at the wedding?" I ask. "Yeah. That way we'll have everyone there." he tells me.

It's been a week since I told Happy that I'm pregnant. I am in Gemma's room, getting ready and she asks me "Are you okay honey? You look like you're going to get sick." I look at the woman that has been like a mother to me and say "I have to tell you something but you can't say anything. We're telling everyone at the wedding." I tell her and she smiles. "You're pregnant." she says and I nod. She hugs me and kisses my cheek and says "I'm happy for you. How far?" she asks. "Seven weeks." I tell her and she smiles. A minute later, Tig knocks on the door. "You ready doll?" he asks. "Hell yeah." I tell him.

He walks me to the makeshift aisle. Putting my hand in Happy's, Bobby asks "Who gives this woman away to be married?" Tig says "The club and I do." He kisses my cheek before taking his seat. "Do you Happy take Kelsey to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Bobby asks. "I do." Happy says and I can't help but smile. "Do you Kelsey take Happy to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Bobby asks me. "I do." Jax hands Happy the rings and he hands me one. Putting the ring on his finger, I say "I vow to be a devoted wife, mother and Old Lady. I vow to love you, protect you and be all that you need and more." I say. He puts the ring on my finger and says "I vow to be a devoted husband, father and Old Man. I vow to love you, protect you and treat you as good as my leather and ride you as much as my Harley." he says and we all start laughing. "By the power vested in me by the state of California, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your beautiful bride." Bobby says and Happy pulls me closer and kisses me deeply and I start laughing into the kiss. When we separate, everyone cheers and Happy yells "Hey, hey, hey. We got one more thing." Everyone quietens down and he says "I knocked her up." Everyone smiles wife and comes to us to congratulate us on the marriage and the baby.

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