Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

A few minutes later, Lyla walks into the clubhouse and Opie greets her. "What's up?" she asks. "We need your help." Tig says. "Okay. With what?" she asks. "Helping the killa here snag his Old Lady." Opie says. She looks at him and asks "Are you serious? I swear to God if you're fucking with her and you hurt her, you won't have to worry about Gemma cutting your balls off because there won't be enough left of you to cut." she tells him. Tig and Opie smirk at how protective she is of me. Before Happy can say anything Tig speaks up. "He fixed her truck." She looks at him shocked. "She has her truck?" Lyla asks and Happy nods. "I'm gonna ask this, and you better not lie. Do you love her?" she asks and he says "Yeah. I know I fucked up and I already asked her to forgive me and she said okay but yeah, I love her." he says. Lyla smiles and says "Well, let's get started then. You're past the first step fixing her truck and asking her to forgive you. But she's not like other girls. That whole flowers and candle light dinner shit don't work with her." Lyla says. "You want to get close to her, do little things. Show her, that she's it. No more whores. They push up, you push them away. Give her your attention. Take her for a ride. She's a simple girl. She loves astrology. Take her somewhere that she can clearly see the stars, put out a blanket and lay there with her and let her tell you about the stars. That's the shit that will make her want to be with you but I'm telling you. Her heart is there. That girl loves you more than anything. All you have to do is show her you're not going anywhere." Lyla tells him. "I get it." he says.

The next morning, I walk into the office to clock in. Happy and Tig walk in to clock in. "Morning Doll." Tig says. "Morning Tig." I say. "Morning little girl." Happy says. "Morning Hap." I say and I actually look up at him. "How's the truck running?" he asks. "Like she was never wrecked. Thanks again Happy." I tell him. He walks over and kisses my cheek and says "I got you little girl." I look at him and nod before he heads out to work. Gemma walks in and asks "Is that your truck out there?" I smile and say "Yeah. Happy fixed her for me. Surprised me with her last night." I say. "That's great baby. How are you doing with that?" she asks. "I forgave him but told him that I couldn't be more than just friends with him." I tell her. "You still love him?" she asks. "Never stopped. You know the night of your dinner, he told me he wasn't a nice guy. All I wanted was a chance to show him that he wasn't a bad guy either." I tell her. She looks at me and smirks and says "I have a feeling things will work out." she tells me.

Lunch time rolls around and Juice comes to get me for lunch. Chibs hands me my salad and Happy pushes his fries over. "Eat." he tells me. "I am eating." I tell him. "That all you're having?" he asks. "No. I have apples and oranges in the fridge for snacks and planning on grilled chicken and veggies for dinner." I tell him. "That sounds good." Happy says. "It does." I say. We go on eating and Bobby asks "Is that your truck out there?" I smile and say "Yeah. Happy surprised me with her last night before I left. Fixed her up for me." I tell them and they all smile. I look over at Happy and he just winks at me. The rest of the day goes by slow so I head home for dinner.

The next morning, I am up and ready for my morning run with Juice. I meet him at the clubhouse at 6am and we head out. We run through town and back around and do a total of six miles that morning. It's getting easier for me to do it every day. We run back to the clubhouse and when we come in the gate, I see Happy sitting at one of the picnic tables smoking. "I'll be inside in a minute." I tell him and he nods before going in. I walk over to Happy and say "You're up early." He smirks and hands me a water. "Thanks." I say. I take the seat next to him and we just sit. "I want to take you somewhere after work tonight." he says. "You not gonna stay for the party? You're girls will miss you." I try to say jokingly but even I can hear the sadness in that comment. "They ain't my girls. I want to take you out tonight." he tells me. "Happy..." I start. "You got other plans?" he asks. "No. But..." I start. "No buts. I got somewhere I want to take you. It's one date. I promise there are no expectations." he says and I nod. Standing up, he stands with me. "I can't promise anything Happy." I tell him. "All I ask is a chance to show you you're it for me." he says and I look at him shocked. "Happy..." I start. He cups my face and says "One chance." he says and I nod. Kissing my lips softly he says "You can shower in my room. Your bag is already there and I'll have coffee waiting when you come out." he says and I nod. I look at him for another second before he kisses me one more time and says "Go."

After showering and getting dressed for the day, I walk out to the main room and see Happy sitting at the bar with a coffee in front of him and one on the bar next to him. I walk over and sit down, taking the cup of coffee and taking a long sip. After finishing my coffee, I tell Happy, "I'm heading to the office." He nods. I kiss his cheek and he grabs my hand. Pulling me back, he kisses my lips softly and says "I'll see you in a few." I nod and walk away wondering what the hell has gotten into him. Gemma shows up and as soon as she walks in, she sees the confused look on my face and shuts both doors. "Spill." she says. I look up at her and say "I don't know what the hell is going on. Shit." She pulls her chair over next to mine and says "What happened?" I look at her and say "You know he fixed my truck right?" She nods. "Well, he was waiting here with a bottled water when I got back from my run with Juice. Then tells me that he wants to take me out on a date after work. Missing the party and the croweaters. Told me that they aren't his girls and that he wants to show me that I'm it for him." I tell her. "Holy shit." she says. "Yeah." I say. "You going?" she asks. "Yeah. I agreed but told him I couldn't promise anything. But shit Gemma, he kissed me. It was just a simple kiss but he did it a few times. My mind is so fucked up over him and now he's, I don't know, it's like he's actually trying to be with me." I tell her. "It's not like he's trying. He's actually trying. Just keep yourself open." she tells me and I nod.

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