Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Unser pulls out his phone and calls Gemma. "Gemma, you need to get to St Thomas. There's been an accident." he tells her. Gemma hangs up the phone and the remaining members look at her worried. She looks at them and says "Kelsey was in an accident. They're taking her to St Thomas. Everyone heads out to their bikes and rides as fast as they can to the hospital. Pulling up to the hospital, they head into the emergency room and see Happy pacing back and forth. "What happened?" Gemma asks him. "I don't know. I saw tire marks and stopped to check it out and when I looked down the embankment, I saw her truck. They won't tell me shit." he tells her. "Good. You don't need to know shit." she tells him before walking away and to the desk. "Kelsey Gray was brought in. I'm her emergency contact Gemma Teller Morrow." she says. "They are still running tests but I'll get one of the nurses to fill you in." she tells Gemma before walking away. She walks back over and glares at Happy. "This is your fucking fault. Anything happens to that girl and I'll cut your fucking balls off." she seethes at him. No one has ever seen Gemma this pissed. An hour later, Happy is sitting in one of the chairs with his head in his hands. Opie sits next to him and asks "Did you really have to be that big of a dick?" Happy looks at him and says "She don't need me. She's better than that." Opie looks at him and says "That ain't for you to decide." They look at Lyla and she won't even look at Happy. She keeps watching the door for the doctor to come in. Once they see the doors open, Tara comes out. "She's got some swelling on her brain and she's still out. All we can do is wait. Her ribs are bruised but not broken, she's got some bruising to her face but other than that, she will be fine. We just have to wait on her to wake up." she tells us and everyone sighs in relief. Even Happy.

Everyone heads back one at a time to see her and when Happy goes to head back, Jax stops him. "You don't fucking go near her." he orders. "I just want to make sure she's okay." he says. "I don't give a shit. Head back to the clubhouse with everyone else." Jax says. Happy nods and heads out of the hospital and to the clubhouse like he's told. Gemma doesn't leave my side for two days. Clay comes into my room. "How's she doing?" Clay asks. "The same. No changes." she tells him. "At least it's not getting worse." he tells her. She stands and hugs him. "You need to go home and get some sleep." he tells her. "Fine." she says. She walks over and kisses my cheek before walking out of the room, leaving me alone for the first time in two days. Once Gemma is gone, the door opens and Happy slips in. He walks over and sits on the edge of the bed and takes my hand. He leans down and kisses my cheek and whispers "I'm sorry little girl." before standing up and slipping back out of the room.

A week has gone by and Gemma is in her normal seat beside me. My eyes flutter opened and I whisper "Gemma?" She jumps up and calls for the prospect that's outside my door. "Get the nurse. She's awake." She looks at me and asks "How you feeling baby?" She gives me a drink of water. "I hurt." I tell her. The nurse comes in and starts checking my vitals. "Hello Miss Gray. How are you feeling?" she asks. "In pain." I tell her. "We'll get you something for pain. Do you remember what happened?" she asks and I shake my head no. "You were in a car accident." she tells me and I nod. Once the nurse leaves, Gemma asks "You remember anything?" I take a second before saying "Car came at me just past the leaving Charming sign, I swerved and lost control of the truck. How'd I end up here?" I ask. "Happy found you." she tells me. "Great." I say before closing my eyes for a minute while the pain meds kick in.

At the clubhouse, everyone is sitting around when Clay's phone rings. "Hey Gem...Really...That's great...We'll head that way." Clay says before hanging up his phone. "Kelsey's awake and talking." he tells them. They all head out to their bikes but Clay stops Happy. "If she don't want to see you, you leave her alone. Understand?" Clay asks. Happy simply nods. They pull up to the hospital and they all run up to the floor where my room is. After everyone comes in to see me, Gemma says "Happy wants to see you." I sigh and say "I need to at least tell him thank you." she nods and gets him. He walks in and asks "How you feeling?" I look at him and say "I only wanted to tell you thank you for finding me and to let you know that I won't be around much anymore except to work. That good with you?" I ask with no emotion. "Yeah. Okay." He says before turning and walking out of the room as the tears start to fall. Lyla walks into the room and doesn't say anything. Just lays on the bed with me and lets me cry over him once again.

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