Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Pulling up in front of the shop Gemma told him about, he gets off his bike and heads inside. Walking around looking, a woman comes up and asks "Can I help you find anything?" He looks at her and for the first time sees no judgement. "I'm looking for something for my girlfriend. Her birthday is coming up and I want to get her something special." he tells her. "Okay. What does she like?" the woman asks. "She's into Astrology and Greek Mythology." he tells her. "Okay. That gives us a good starting point." she says. He follows her over to a display case and he sees what he thinks is the necklace that Gemma was talking about. "What about this necklace?" he asks. "That pendant is the Andromeda constellation." she says. "Can you engrave the back?" he asks. I can. I can do it now if you like." she says. "Great." he says. "What would you like it to say?" she asks. "I love you. And a smiley face like this." he says and raises his shirt a little. "Give me an hour." she says, smiling.

That afternoon, Happy comes back and heads to the office. Seeing only Gemma there, he asks "Where's Kelsey?" She smiles and says "Still sleeping." He walks in and closes the door. "I want to show you something." he says, taking the box out of his kutte and showing her the pendent. Turning it over she sees the engraving. "Happy, she's going to love this." she tells him. "I hope so. The pendant is of one of the constellations she was talking about last night." he tells her and can't believe he actually remembers that shit. Gemma smiles and says "When she gets up, take her home and order dinner. Give it to her then." she says. "I'm giving it to her tomorrow since that's her birthday. I got her something already but I want to give her this in private." he says and Gemma smiles.

That next afternoon, we are all at Gemma's and eating dinner. Sitting between Lyla and Happy, his hand is on my leg and my fingers are intertwined with his. After dinner we all move to the living room and they start handing me gifts. Getting a lot of clothes from the girls and money and cards from the guys, Happy hands me a gift. I open it up and it's a new helmet with Princess painted on it. I look at him and smile and kiss him softly. Looking around at everyone, I say "Thank you guys. This means a lot to me." I tell them. After we all start heading home, Happy taking me to my house, we walk inside and he helps me put everything in my room. "You staying?" I ask and he nods. "I have something else for you." he tells me. "Happy, you already got me something." I tell him. "That was something you can use. This is something personal." he tells me. Taking the small box out of his kutte, he hands it to me. Opening the box, I look at the pendent and at him and gasp. "Andromeda?" I ask and he nods. "Turn it over." he says. I turn it over and see the words I love you and his signature smiley. I look at him and say "I love you too." I kiss him softly before he puts it on me.

Standing up, I say "Let's go to bed." We head into the bedroom and strip down to me in my panties and his shirt that he just took off and him in just his boxers. I curl into his side and look up at him. He looks at me and kisses me softly. I deepen the kiss as I pull him to hover over me. He breaks away and asks "Are you sure?" I smile and say "Time to claim your Old Lady Hap." He smiles wide before crashing his lips with mine. Deepening the kiss again, we start to shed clothes and he enters me slowly. Thrusting in and out at a slow and gentle pace, he looks into my eyes and places his forehead with mine. Neither of us say a word. All you can hear are the little moans that come from me and grunts that come from him. I find my release with him right behind me and he stays hovered over me and I feel a tear fall from my eye. "Why are you crying baby?" he asks worried. I look into his eyes and say "I never thought I'd be with you. I never thought I'd be this happy." I tell him. Kissing me softly he says "I'll spend the rest of my life making sure you're happy." Laying beside me, he pulls me as close as he can get me before we both drift off to sleep with smiles on our faces.

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