Little logan

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Virgil's POV

"Hey Logan what are you up to" I say walking up to him and raping my arms around him. He had just put a piece of paper in the desk drawer before I hugged him. "I-I um reading" I don't notice a book around and he slipped up grammatically he thought he never does that "Logan baby are you ok" I say worriedly "I fine" he's says. I see him start to shake a bit in his chair he keeps glancing down at the drawer so I say in my most stern voice still trying not to scare him "Logan I need you to tell me  what you were doing before I came in the room, hunny I promise what ever it is I won't be upset with you." He looks down at his lap "I was coloring" he says I hear him start to whimper and shake more. So that's it Logan's a little and he dint want me to know hmm think Virgil think. "I bet it's really pretty may I see it" he shakes his head no "aww that's to bad I wanted to see my baby's work" I say pouting my lip. He looks up and says
"d-don't cry you tan see it but it not that good otay promise not to laugh pwease." I put my pinky out he grabs it and giggles "pinky promise I won't laugh" he opens up the drawer and gets the picture he thinks for a moment before handing me the paper with a shaking hand "Logan this is awesome I love it can I keep it" he giggles and nods. He yawns while 1 his arms "looks like some one is tired would you like to go cuddle." He nods quickly I pick him up bridal style he cuddles into my chest.
When I get to Logan's room he's half asleep I open the door and it creeks waking him up. I walk in seeking the light blue room that's always perfectly organized but this time I see a box peaking out from under the bed. "Logie what's that" I ask. He jumps out of my arms and sits beside the box "this my things" he proudly shows me the contents witch was three pacifiers and a sippy cup I frown. I hear a whimper "do you not like dem, I tan put dem up I promise pwease dont go I tan hide dem I tan stop you won't have to put up with it I swear just pwease, pwease don't leave me virgie" he starts making grabby motions at me so I grab him and pull him tight letting him sob into my shoulder. "I'm not going anywhere anytime soon"
It takes awhile to calm him down but when I get him calmed down i say "Baby I wasn't mad at you or who you are I was mad at myself for not noticing sooner you had to limit your supply's and don't even have all you need just to hide this." He frowns "it otay" I smile "yea it is ok and if it's ok with you I would like to be your caregiver." He gasps "you w-would do dat for me." He looks up at me I say "I would do anything to keep you happy" he giggles and curls up into my chest "hey Logan tomorrow I'll take you shopping okay." He nods before falling asleep soon after I follow.

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