adopting the omega

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This story kinda got me out of a writer's block so thank you beamerboyx for the request
Now onto the story

Logan goes to an omega shelter just to look, his friends called him lonely and said he needed a friend
The lady at the front desk smiles "hello there you must be logan?"
"Yes I am indeed, im looking forward to meeting an omega, hopefully I can help one out"
"well who are you looking for, if you'd like to help someone with some emotional and physical trama  we just took in a few new omegas, two females and a male if you'd like one a bit more stable they'd be in the back as there more trusted and trusting the back rooms have a pair in a room and the ones up front only have one person as they get used to being here" the lady says smiling
Logan was a bit shocked by all the information.
“I don’t have a preference, but I would like to talk with the new omegas the two females and male”
He wanted to help those in need.
The lady smiles before speaking "okay mister, before taking you to need them we need to ask of you to keep your voice down and please don't make any harsh or sudden movements this could trigger a negitive reaction, I'll take you to meet with virgil he's the most scared of the three and he needs the most help he doesn't like it here I can tell" she says her smile dropping
Logan immediately liked the name.
“Of course, I don’t want to scare them. Though I am quite excited to meet virgil.”
He calmed himself down, needing to make a perfect first impression.
"indeed, you can follow me this way" she says going to the closest room to the desk she knocks on the door "Virgil dear may we come in some one is here to see you sweetie"
Virgil panicked a bit "y-yes ma'am you can both come in" he says bowing his head
Logan loved his voice, though was upset about the timidness.
He entered the room, being as cautious as humanly possible. Smiling at Virgil.
“Hello I’m Logan”
Making to speak in practically a whisper.
"h-hello mister Logan I'm virgil as she's probably already said" he says keeping his head bowed eyes looking at this Logan guys shoes
Logan frowned.
“You don’t have to call me mister. Logan is just fine, it’s a pleasure to meet you virgil.”
He slowly held out his hand, hoping a handshake wouldn’t scare off Virgil.
Virgil timidly shakes his hand as he would when his old master had guest over "i-it's nice meeting you to l-logan"
Logan smiled. He definitely enjoyed virgils company.
“How long have you been here?”
He really just wanted to know more about him.
"T-two days"  he says looking down
The lady speaks up "I'll leave you to be, virgil if you feel unsafe just hit your button okay" virgil nods
Logan was intrigued by what the button was, but was determined for virgil to not need to use it.
“Oh, well that’s not too long. Hopefully it won’t be much longer either.”
The lady leaves "the button is if a alpha came in and tried to hurt us or if I feel threatened" he says "may I sit on my bed Logan?"
Logan would do anything he could to make sure virgil didn’t feel threatened.
“Of course, it’s your room after all, you don’t need permission.”
"thank you" he says sitting done "why did you want to talk with me?" He asks "i-im sorry I shouldn't have asked I shoulda-"
Logan shook his head.
“There is no such thing as a bad question. Well, everyone I know keeps saying I should have a friend or something like that calling me lonely and when I heard about you, I was intrigued. You seem really amazing.”
"Oh, w-well thank you for thanking about me"
Logan smiled at him.
“I really enjoy your company virgil. Even if you’re nervous which is completely understandable given your current circumstances.
I would like to get to know you more.”
He carefully sat beside him on the bed, making sure to not be too close.
Virgil scooted away a bit more "we can talk more here, but it is early and near breakfast, would you allow me to go get me a tray?"
“Again, you don’t need my permission. If you want breakfast you should go grab it.”
Logan wondered if all omegas were this timid though he didn’t mind if they were.
"I'm sorry mas- Logan it's what they call a habit, I promise I'm trying to stop, would you please come with me to get it, im scared of large groups of people
“It’s okay, habits are hard to break. As long as your trying, you’re practically winning. And of course I’d love to accompany you.”
Logan stood up, smiling at him. He’d enjoy seeing more of this place.
Soon they end up back in the room
Logan holding the tray. He was more than happy to carry to the room.
“Personally I thought breakfast would be a bit more fancy. But nonetheless here it is.”
"I can't eat much, I was starved so I'm just getting use to eating, so I get smaller meals so I can get used to eating again" he says like a fact
Logan felt sick just hearing that. Is that honestly how people treated omegas?
“Well, I think he was wrong. You deserve to have everything you want and especially everything you need.”
"well that's not the law, but thank you for caring" he says
“The law should obviously be changed then. And of course I care.”
Logan felt so obvious how he’d gone though day to day life when this was all happening.
"thank you" he says sliding away the last few bites to food "I'm sorry I can't eat anymore"
“Hey that’s fine, if you’re full you’re full. You know how you feel better than anyone else does.”
Logan smiled at him.
"your really kind" he says laying down under the covers
“Thank you! It’s because I’m tired of being mean it’s no fun. People think just because I'm an alpha it automatically makes me this mean person”
Logan once again sat on the edge of his bed. This time being careful to keep a distance.
"C-c-can you pet my head please?" He asks
Logan tried to not show how excited he was to do that.
“Of course.”
He didn’t really know how to pet him, but he’d try his best.
"It's like you would pet a dogs head, j-just please be gentle" he says
He nods gently petting the boys head
The boy in his lap slowly falls asleep
Logan didn’t really know what to do, so he just continued to pet him. Happy to see him fall asleep so peacefully.
Soon the desk worker walks in "I thought you might want his file you seem close, if your considering bringing him home then you can have a ten day grace period, this is when you can return him to our shelter if you two happen to not be compatible, it's sorta like fostering"
Logan nodded, though if virgil did want to come home with him, he planned to make sure virgil stayed.
“Thank you, I’ll read through his file until he wakes up.”
"now because of his past you'll have to have a clean record and it seemed you did, well also need to check in on housing, we'll need you to sign a paper stating one of our workers can pop up during this week to check on things, and because virgil is verry unstable right now you'll need to get him into a therapist soon if you live close you can bring him by every other day and he can stick with his therapist here"
Logan nodded.
“Of course, I have nothing to hide at my house. Anything to ensure virgil is safe and comfortable. I don’t live very close but I don’t mind driving him here so he can stay with his current therapist.”
He was willing to do anything for virgil.
"if it's a Hassel I can recommend a therapist there name is Joan they have worked with Virgil on there first day here, then they had to leave but there office is closer"
Logan smiled.
“I’ll make sure to meet up with them.
Thank you for all the help, this is all so exciting.”
He was so glad he’d asked to meet virgil.
"I can also give a needed item list and a pamflet about omegas needs" the lady says
Logan definitely wanted those.
“Yes please, any type of information is very much appreciated.”
"okay, here you are I'll take my leave now, by the way thank you for this" she smiles
Logan took the pamphlets excited to read them.
“Oh, it’s no issue.”
He was enjoying spending time with virgil.
Virgil whimpers a bit curling in on Logan more
"I think this is the most positive contact he's had form a man ever, we make sure to know the gender of the abuser to make sure we don't put a female omega with a female worker if that omega is terrified of other females" the lady states
Logan felt rather special hearing that.
“Which makes total sense, I’m glad things are going well. I really hope he likes me.”
"the fact he not only let you touch him but he asked you to pet him says alot, no one here has been able to touch him at all he never even let us help him at bath time and if we tried he panicked and tried to get away"
Virgil wakes up panicked
Logan nodded at that worker. Looking at virgil cautiously.
“Oh, your awake now. Sorry if I startled you.”
"I-its okay lo-hey you have my files, why do you have my files..." He asks
“Oh, the worker gave them to me. Because well, only if you want to, I’d like you to come live with me.”
Logan smiled at him, hoping having his file wouldn’t upset him.
He whimpers looking up at bell, the desk lady
She just nods smiling
"I-i-id like to, but um, in your punishments can-can there not be hitting"
Logan of course hated how that had to be asked.
“Oh don’t you worry, I’m fact I highly doubt I’ll have one punishment.”
He smiled at him, not believing his luck.
"t-thank you, may I curl back in your lap, your really warm and I like your pets" he says
Logan grinned.
“Certainly, I’m glad you like my petting.” Logan says smiling
He could do this for hours.
Virgil smiles curling back up
Keeping calm was the only part Logan didn’t like. He wanted to celebrate the fact that virgil actually liked him. Though Logan was able to sit still happily petting him.
Virgil purrs
"So Logan of you'd like to take him home I need you to follow me to my office to sign some papers, virgil can come to of course"
Logan nodded.
“Sorry virgil, but I’ll have to momentarily stop the pets, we have paperwork to do!”
He whimpers at the loud noise getting up doing with bell
Logan stood up.
“Don’t fret too much, the moment we get home I can let you for the rest of the day.”
He was glad paperwork was a skill of his. Hoping it wouldn’t take too long.
He smiles at this following Miss bell to her office
"So Logan, you do caring for an omega is a difficult task correct"
Logan nodded.
“Correct I do in fact know that.”
He saw this as getting an amazing knew roommate.
"okay sighn here stating we had this discussion, and here saying you agree" bell says
Logan took a pen, and wrote his signature as perfect as he could, this was very important after all.
“There we go, all signed and discussed.”
"okay now if you'll sighn this one for the grace period and this one stating a member can come check your home during this time"
He took the pen, glancing over everything as he signed Logan just felt so excited to be doing this.
“Of course they can come check out my house.”
"okay now this states you'll take virgil to his therapist appointments when scheduled, and then the final stating you will be insuring no harm comes to virgil while he is in your care"
Logan was especially happy to sign the no harm will happen line.
“There, all signed and read. Anything else?”
"that's it mister Logan your free to bring virgil home, if anything happens feel free to call us, and virgil can go pack up his belongings"
Logan smiled at Patton.
“Marvellous, let’s go pack up your things. If you want to.”
A big thing for Logan was making sure virgil knew he had a choice with everything he did.
Virgil nods quickly walking off
Logan was practically skipping behind him. Logan didn’t know why he was so lively just being around virgil made him feel better.
Virgil packs his few things he owns
Logan was a bit surprised at how little virgil had, but he didn’t say anything.
“Are you ready to take a drive?”
He shakes his head "I really don't like cars, but I am ready to leave" he says standing up
“Well we're going to the store if it make anything better”
He shrugs "w-why the store?"
Logan smiles “I need to get some stuff you'll need, like clothes, and well omega stuff”
Virgil smiles, he actually got stuff, Logan was going to buy him things! He never had anyone buy him things

He hugs Logan tightly "thank you lots, there's a omega store in the mall, my alpha took me there to get, um toys and such, but they have a supplement there to help with my eating, um it not that much money, but it's okay if I don't need it"
Logan hugs him “no, no Virgil, if you want the supplement then we'll get it mkay”
~time skip to the mall~
When they get out of the car Virgil latches onto Logan, he was scared of the large crowds
Logan just holds onto him understanding his fear, he goes straight to the omega shop not really liking the contents of the store but goes in anyway
“bud I'm going to go use the bathroom, you can fill your basket with whatever you need, or want" he says leaving
Virgil nods picking a few things including the supplement
A man comes up to him clearly an alpha
"Well hey there pretty thing what are you doing in a store like this"
Virgil whimpers "m-my alpha just brought me to get some things I need"
"Well pretty thing do you think your alpha would let me borrow you for a little bit"
Logan hears the end of the conversation “absolutely not”
Virgil flinched scared of the harsh tone of voice he really dint want to be punished this early on with Logan he whimpers bowing his head.
"If you have any brain up in that skull then you will leave me and Virgil alone, I don't know how you were raised but I have no clue why you could ever and I mean ever, with any one ask to 'borrow' any one Omega or not he is a person and you will treat him as one" the person scuffs and walks out of the little shop
Virgil whimpers and moves away a little, he knew most likely Logan wouldn't hit him and if he did bed only do it at home so he'd be okay for a little bit
"Hey Virgil your okay no need to be scared I'm so sorry that any one would even say that"
Virgil nods his head "can we finish the shopping please, I'd like to go lay down at home if that's okay with you" he says moving closer to Logan
Logan nods "we can, let's get all the stuff you need first then the clothes store, then we can head right home, and if you'd like you can curl up in my lap and I pet your ears and head, but only if you want to"
Virgil purrs just thinking about the warmth plus he got pets it was like a dream come true he gets pulled into a soft hug as Logan whispers in his ear "I'll give you all the pets and all the cuddles you could want, I took a week off work so we can both get settled"
Virgil smiled "t-thank you so much,I really don't deserve all this" he says resting his forehead on Logan's shoulder really enjoying the hug
Logan shakes his head "everyone deserves to be happy, let's finish the shopping" he says smiling

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