not proof read kinda thought of this idea and wrote it on my phone

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It was a very stressful day for Virgil, nothing was going right, none of his paperwork was filed therefore being turned in late, his computer crashed and his phone want letting him answer calls, so yeah that was pretty crappy. His omega was trying to call him all day and he couldn't answer and it was pissing him off he would do anything to hear Logan's voice right now as soon as his shift was over he went straight home opening the door seeing a very clean house, it looked spotless he smiles a bit looking around not seeing Logan, that was werid Logan almost always greeted at the door Logan got off work two hours before him so it kinda just happened that way.
"Love I'm home?" He calls out not hearing a response
He tilts his head his ears picking up on light crying coming from the bedroom. He goes upstairs opening there bedroom door to see his omega in his presenting position, his feet were turning blue and his collar looked way to tight "love what's wrong did you brake a rule, you know you don't have to sit in that position unless you broke one, and even then that's after we talk it out"
Logan whimpers trying to stay calm "I-im so s-sorry alpha, I must of done something really really wrong, y-you weren't answering my calls at all, you said that wouldn't be a punishment you'd use ever, but I guess I did something really really bad, so to make up for it I-i cleaned the entire house! And I even took off work tomorrow! You-you can punish me however you see fit" he said head bowed, he was on the verge of hyperventilating
Virgil quickly shut this down picking up the omega sitting him on the bed "love my phone is broken, and I cant make personal calls on my work phone, you weren't being punished at all, I'm so sorry you though that, your such a good boy and I'm so sorry I couldn't answer your calls"
He calmed a bit hearing he wasn't being punished but he still couldn't control his breathing, so he clung to his alphas chest sobbing while listening to his heart beat
Virgil pet his ears knowing this would help him calm down easier he looks at his boys feet seeing they were red and swollen "love how long did you sit like that?" He asks gently
He whimpers a  bit "i-im not sure a-an hour or so?" He says calming down
Virgil sighs walking to the nightstand, he grabs an unscented oil and the peppermint oil "can you sit on the edge of the bed for me love"
He nods gently, he moved a bit slow as his body was sore from holding that position, he dangles his feet off the bed
Virgil sits on the floor putting some oil in his hand before massaging Logan's foot
Logan gasps a bit "y-you don't have to do that alpha, it was my mistake" he says
Virgil smiles "it's okay love, I want to do this, you know I don't like seeing you in pain, and you deserve this for cleaning the whole house" he says rubbing his toes and up his leg
Logan lets out a purr "t-thank you alpha" he says gently ears going flat aginst his head
Virgil starts on the other foot smiling Logan obviously liked it "tomorrow we can go get me a different phone and them I'm spending the rest of the day pampering you" he says finishing up "I'm so sorry I made you panic like that, I should have tried to contact you, but I was just caught up in work and today want that good a day, but you know what it will be, what do you say to a nice warm bath together?" He asks kissing Logan's cheek
Logan smiles "yes please" he says he loved when they took baths together it was relaxing and so warm
Virgil nods "let's go take that bath then I'll start on dinner for us" he says picking him up smiling glad that Logan was okay

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