Part II

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Todoroki's POV

It has been weeks and my sister has still not returned home. The night before she first left, she came into my room crying saying,

"I can't live here with him any longer!"

Early the next morning she packed here bags and left, just leaving a note. She said that she needed a break and she would be back soon. It's been 3 week and she hasn't even tried to contact me or my old man. I miss her, but at the same time I can't believe she left, just like that. She left me all alone with him like she didn't even care what would happen. I know that's not true... but still it hurts. Ever since she left, my old man has been taking his anger out on me. Well, more than usual. Dragging me into the training room, making me train hours more than usual. Also his daily "welcomings" have become more extensive. Walking outside, the wind is getting fairly chilly. At least it's fall so I have an easier time covering up my bruises.

"Todoroki-kun!" Behind me the green haired boy gallops to catch up.

"Hey Midoriya." I can't help but smile like a fool, saying his name.

"Can I walk with you?" His eyes are like green swimming pools, searching for an answer.

"S-sure," I say as I try to desperately cover my tomato coloured face.

I don't think I did a very good job as I see his face turn a light tint of pink. A sudden rush of cold air comes blowing both of us. It even makes me shiver, covering my arms.

"Oh, are you cold?" He says as he braces me with a warm embracing hug.

"Y-yeah, thanks." I'm so red it's humiliating.

I slowly turn my head to face him and as I do, his eyes find mine. I swear he kept looking at my lips. God, you don't even know how much I wanted to kiss him at that moment. It was like I was in a trance, we both were. Slowly are faces inch closer and closer to each other to the point where I thought we were gonna kiss. Then a ringtone starts going off in my pocket.

"Stupid phone!" I thought.

This makes us jolt back of surprise, our faces turn the same rosy shade. I quickly reach into my bag but calm down as soon as I see it's my father calling.

"What is it?" I say in my most frustrated tone.

"Your coming home right after school, extra training."

"No, I have plans." I say rolling my eyes exaggerated.

"Shoto, you are bein-," that is all he can say before I hang up.

"Was that your dad?" Midoriya asks in a worrisome tone.

"Yeah," I say breathing out.

With that we just start walking again but in silence this time. My cheeks are still flushed from the moments before. We are half way to school when finally Midoriya speaks up.

"I know how hard it must be with your dad. Just know I'm here if you need anything."

A small smile creeps on to he face making me feel all fluttery inside. I have never been that open to people about my home life, or my life just in general. But all these feelings for Midoriya are swaying me to be open with him. It also seems like he really cares. Then memories of my father flood my head. He's always putting me down and saying I'm worthless, and a piece of shit. I hate him, but he is right about one thing, I am worthless. I shouldn't say anything to Midoriya, he probably doesn't really care. Why would he even want to talk to me. I'm not good enough for him.

"Thanks, but I'm fine."

My voice sounds fine but my heart is not. I wish someone would see that for themselves. We are now close enough to the school for there to be other students around. Iida and Uraraka come over to Midoriya and start talking to him. I take this opportunity and make myself scarce. He is probably glad I'm not there anymore.

A few more weeks have gone by. Still not word from Fuyumi and my father still has calmed down. I have been avoiding people at school more, including Midoriya. Lately, I just feel very tired and disappointed with myself. Maybe it's the extra training catching up to me, I haven't been sleeping as much as I usually do. The last bell goes and I get out of there before anybody gets the chance to come up to me. Walking alone has been bittersweet ever since that morning with Midoriya. I wish I had the nerve to talk to him again. I walk through the front doors peering around for any sign of him. A small wave of relief washes over me when I conclude he has not arrived home yet. A little envelope with a red seal catches my eye. It has been placed on the edge of my bed up in my room. Curiosity takes over as I reach for, and tear the letter open.

Dear brother,

I'm sorry that I left you like that. Father has pushed me over the edge and at that moment I just needed to go. I'm glad to say I have been doing much better now. I also hope he is not being to hard on you. I really hope you can forgive me for this. You probably have been wondering when I will return home. I'm so so sorry Shoto, but I'm not coming back. I can not live with that monster anymore. You are welcome to come visit me anytime you like though. I really hope you do.

Love your sister, Fuyumi

Crumpling up the paper, I burn it till it's gone. Then in angry, disappointment and sadness I fall against the wall tears down my face.

"Please, no more pain..." my voice croaks out.

I reach over my desk and grab a pair of scissors. I slowly consume pain, trying to melt this pain away.

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