Part V

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Todoroki's POV

A bright light shines on to my eyes making me creak my eyelids open. I look in front of me to see sunlight creeping through the crack of the living room curtains. I sit up stretching and yawning. I have been staying at Midoriya's place for 2 weeks now. Safe so far from my old man. My arms are still healing in bandages, they are getting better though.

"Good morning Todoroki. Did you sleep well?" Ms. Midoriya asks me.

"Yeah, pretty good thanks Ms. Midoriya. And thank you again for letting me stay this long."

"No problem. As I said, you can stay as long as you want. You can call me Inko too by the way."

It's been nice staying here. Ever since, Ms. Mid-... er... Inko has been very kind and caring to me. She looks down at my bandaged arms as a worried smile appears on her face.

"Are your arms feeling better?"

I look down at the bandages with a mixed expression then back at her.

"Yeah, they're fine."

It's still a hard thing to admit. I still haven't told anyone about it even though Midoriya tries to ask about it. He means well but I'm still just not ready. We haven't talked about that day at the amusement park either. It's been a little awkward that way. Midoriya stumbles into the living room still half asleep. He yawns and it's so damn cute.

"Good morning everyone."

"Good morning." Inko says to her son.

I smile at him, paying attention to his wild forest hair and his pyjamas. All might t-shirt and gym shorts. I finally get up from the couch and walk over to the kitchen table following Midoriya. With a big smile on her face Inko places a tall stack of pancakes in the middle of the table. It's unusual for me, but it's nice. I always made and ate food alone at home. Even when I was little we weren't big on eating as a family. In the middle of eating I hear my phone going off. I pick it up to see the display name. My father. I decline the call only to have it ring again minutes later. Finally I block him knowing he probably won't stop, then shut my phone off.

"So Todoroki," Midoriya starts. "Do you have any plans today?"

Today is Saturday, meaning we don't have school.

"No I don't." I say bluntly.

"Great! Then you are coming with me."

Confused I say, "Where?"

"You'll see." He blurts, smiling.

I turn my head to cover my blush and continue eating in silence. Both of us dressed and ready, exist the apartment and go down to the bus station.

"Where are we going?" I say trying to break the ice.

"You really don't like surprises do you?" He say half mocking me.

"Not really." A half smile grows on my face. "Last time didn't really turn out so well." I say in a joyful tone.

It didn't seem so joyful to Midoriya as he stopped smiling, still looking at me. The bus rolled up to the stop screeching as it slows down. Seconds later we both realize the bus is there as if we were in a trance. We walk and sit at the back in silence. Nothing is said until the bus starts moving. Midoriya looks down at his feet, hands in his lap.

"I'm really sorry about that night. I just... I just didn't know ho-"

"How to let me down. I get it."

"No Todoroki. That's not what I meant. I jus-"

Midoriya gets interrupted by the bus speaker telling the destination of our stop. We get up and exist the bus.

"The mall?" I question him.

"Yeah. I thought this would be the best place for you to pick out your birthday present."

"My birthday? I guess I forgot."

There has been so much going on I guess my birthday wasn't at the top of my mind. We enter and start walking around looking in different stores. Eventually the ice had thawed and we were having a great time like friends. Even if I might want to be more, it's still nice. We come across this store that sell all kinds of different hand made things. I spot matching blue and green bracelets. Something told me that this is what I want for my birthday.

"Midoriya look," I say showing them to him.

"They are very cool." He says inspecting them.

We go up to the counter to pay for them. When I try to pay for at least half Midoriya refused saying that it's his birthday present to me. After we leave we go to the food court and get some ice cream. I get half chocolate half vanilla and he gets just vanilla. We are sitting outside  enjoying our cold treat when I pull got out the bracelets and put on one. I take the other and hand it to Midoriya.

"That one is yours."

"Really? Are you sure you want to give it to me?"

"Yes. You have been a great friend to me. You even let me stay with you. You also literally saved my life. And well, you probably remember my feelings as well."

"Before I accept, I need to finish our conversation from the bus." He says nervously.

"O-okay." I don't know where this is going.

"That night, I didn't know what to say because," he stops to take a breath, "I also have feelings for you."

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