Part VI

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Todoroki's POV

"That night, I didn't know what to say because," he stops to take a breath, "I also have feelings for you."

My heart is fluttering, my face is tomato red and I can't believe what I just heard. The green haired boy of my dreams, the one that can smile and send me through the roof, he returned my feelings.

"But. I'm not ready for a relationship, is what I thought. Then I saw you almost die and I realized I really want to be with you."

The flutters are growing by the second. He takes the bracelet, still gestured to him and puts it on his wrist.

"I have one more thing to say," he says, almost flustering his words.

"Would you, maybe, wanna, you know, go out together?"

"W-wait, like on a date?" I say half shocked half exhilarated.

"Yes," he breathes out.

His face is red, possibly brighter than mine. This is everything I could have hoped for on my birthday and more.

A full smile creeps on my face. "Yes. Of course!"

For a couple seconds we just stare at each other with relief and disbelief. Once again, this has been the best birthday I might have ever had.

Later when Inko has returned home she and Midoriya sang happy birthday to me and even got me a cake. Even though my sister, mom and other siblings weren't here, it still has been an amazing birthday.

Inko and Midoriya had gone to sleep but I am still up. I unblocked my father and found a thousand text messages and missed calls. Going through the messages there was a bunch of threats but no happy birthday wishes. I knew it. I doubt he even remembered.

I turn my phone off and concealed myself in darkness. A place for my thoughts to breed. Not a very good place at all inside my head. Nightmares and bad memories flood my mind and I can't seem to shake them. Suddenly I start to crave something I shouldn't. Something that is dangerous but feels so good. A cut, a scrape, a mark, whatever you call it. I want to feel that. To block the floods, even if it's only for a second.

Tiptoeing, I enter the kitchen I  search of the sharpest object I could find. Then I silently go on into the bathroom where no one could see. One here and one they, so inconspicuous that they could easily be played off. One on the ankle or thigh, anywhere that is easy to conceal. Red oozing, skin swelling, pain enticing. Just enough to satisfy the mind. I wait for the bleeding to stop enough to patch up. I wave of guilt comes over me. Something I have never felt after. I feel dirty for lying to him, but how can I tell the green haired angel about something he saved me from. I know I'm not strong enough yet.

I step back to the kitchen to wash off the knife before slipping back to bed. This time my head is calmer, I'm finally aloud to fall into unconsciousness.

"Todoroki! Todo!"

I shoot my eyelids open to see the greenette smiling down at me.

"Good morning." He says calmly.

"Morning." I half smile.

"So guess what?" He says in a slight teasing tone.

I say nothing but raise my one eyebrow.

"I'm taking you out on our first date today."

"Oh really? Who says I consented?" I joke with a full smile.

"Very funny." He teasingly punches my shoulder before telling me to get ready.

I get up with a sudden reminder of the events of last night. I try to put those thoughts away so I can have a good date with Midoriya. I have no idea where we are going so I put on a simple tee and jeans.

On the bus, we start heading into the heart of the city. We are talking and having a pretty nice conversation when I reach over and take his hand in mine. He goes very red, but doesn't take his hand back or try to cover his blush. Our hands stay intertwined as we leave the bus and he starts leading me down the street towards this little café. The walls were lined with book shelves and different antique books. We take a table in the back before untwining our fingers.

"Deku?" I similar voice questions.

Looking up I see the one and the only bubbly girl of class 1A. Paired with her blue haired, glasses wearing, friend.

"Oh, Uraraka, Iida, funny seeing you here." Midoriya joyfully responds.

"I could say the same thing. Are you guys hanging out? Mind if we join?"

Midoriya awkwardly glances at me then back at the pair.

"Actually," I start, "This is a date."

Their faces go from smiles to shock.

"Wait, you guys are gay?"

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