Part IV

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Todoroki's POV

Winter time has fallen upon us. Snow dances it's way down to reach the ground. Some landing on various parts of my body. My breath freezes as it exits my mouth. I'm paying close attention to everything on my evening walk, as it is the last one. My destination is right in front of me, a old rusty bridge with a ditch far below it. I step onto the side beam staring out into the distance, very calm. Rolling up my sleeves I examine every mark I have made on myself. Still feeling I strong sense of calm I stare directly down, to my future. Closing my eyes, I hover one of my legs over the edge. I go to jump, but stop in my tracks.

"Am I hesitating?" I thought.

Relaxing again, I remember everything that has gotten me to this point. My abusive father, my sister leaving, not being good enough for Midoriya. Remembering, this brings me to the same conclusion as before. I take my mustered confidence and lift both of my legs into the air. I feel gravity do it's work and it starts pulling me down. But, then I feel something grasp my arm. They pull with all their might and launch me back onto the bridge. I feel myself laying on the ground and I sense them on top of me. Slowly I creak my eyelids open to see then one and only Midoriya. His eyes are filled with tears ready to explode.

"What do you think your doing!" He very loudly yells at me.

Shocked. I'm simply just shocked.

"Wha-" I quickly close my mouth as I don't even know what to say.

"Why would you try and do something like that." This time his voice is more calm, but disappointed sounding.

"I'm sorry." I whisper to him, looking away.

Tears are silently rolling down his cheeks. He is simply letting them fall, not paying any attention to them. I hesitatingly reach my hands up and wipe away his tears with my thumbs. My eyes suddenly get heavy from, what I'm assuming, the shock. Growing very tired I take away my hands and place them on the ground once again.

"I'm so sorry, Midoriya," I quietly mutter before drifting off.

When I awake I see the same freckled face as before staring at me with concern.

"How are you?" He whispers.

Then a notice the bright white room I am laying in. Looking down, I find my arms bandaged up.

"I'm ok."

"The doctor said we could go when you wake up."

I get up and just silently follow him out of the hospital. He slows down slightly so we are walking beside each other.

"Wanna talk about it?"

"About... it?"

"What made you do this." He gestures towards my arms.

His mouth is sympathetic but is eyes are pure sadness and worry. My head is spinning right now. One minute I'm jumping off a bridge and the next I'm walking next to him.

"Not really." I breathe out. "I'm gonna go."

I don't really know where but I'll find out eventually what I'm gonna do.

"Are you going home?" He quickly asks.

"No. I can't go home." I look down not wanting to explain why.

"Do you have somewhere to stay? You could stay with me for a while."

I probably shouldn't but I don't know where else I would go.

"A-are you sure?"

He nods and a nod with him.

"I'll just go get something's from my house then."

With that we head off in different directions. It's still in the afternoon so my father shouldn't be there, and by luck he isn't. I grab a bag and take my school uniform and a couple changes for clothes. I don't even bother leaving a note, he won't care enough. Well, actually he will care his all might successor left, not his son. I knock on the door and the fluffy haired boy answers.

"Hello roommate," He giggles smiling in the doorway.

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