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Todoroki's POV

I walk closer and closer to the bridge of rust. To think, this is what drove us together. My mind is foggy of hate and sadness. It's like I'm pulling myself towards the edge. I climb up onto the ledge, looking down. This time, don't jump, I just stare at the abyss below. Then a voice breaks through my fog. My lover. The boy who I love. The boy I would do anything for. The boy whom I thought would be happier if I wasn't a problem to be fixed. He was there, crying as much as I was.

"Shouto! Please! Don't do it!"

"I'm sorry," I say looking away.

I am about to jump when he shouts at me.

"I love you!"

I stop in my tracks. A smile spreads on my face, tears still rolling on my cheeks.

"I love you too."

As soon as those words leave my lips, I jump over the edge.

I hear a faint screaming. Smile still on my face, I feel a shattering paint throughout my entire body.


Are the last words I am able to say before I close my eyes. Releasing my soul, calm and free.

Midoriya's POV

"SHOUTO!" I choke out through the rivers of tears.

How could this happen. Why didn't he stop. Why isn't he here. If I didn't say those things, he would be here right now. It's my fault....

I'm on the ground sobbing while I take out my phone and dial 911. I tell her what happened all hysterical. It felt like hours before the police and paramedics showed up. I ignored all of their questions. I just wanted to be with him.  Eventually they let me in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. He was very pale, and cold. They were doing cpr until we arrived.

I called my mom and all might, who contacted endeavor. We were all in the waiting room, praying for good news. Finally, the doctor came out. Not happy look, not a sad one.

"Are you all family?"

"And close friends." My mom speaks.

He nods before saying, "I am very sorry. He didn't make it. You may go see him."

Tears. Flowing out of my eyes. Not a rush, or a river. Just two streams rolling down my face.

"He's.... gone." I whisper to myself.

I get up and I scurry to his room. He's there, lying down and very peaceful looking. I go up and hold his hand. It's cold and clammy, his skin has a grey tint too.

"I'm sorry..." I whisper through the wall of tears.

I lean in a place a wet kiss on his lips before I exit. I don't wait for everyone else. I just want to be alone. He's gone. Why is he gone. Why did he leave? When did this start? My mind is a maze I can't navigate. Then I'm at the place I just was hours ago. The bridge. I don't know why this place is so significant. I go and sit on the ledge, around the place he jumped. I look down to see the sight he saw. The far, deadly drop.

"Why....why couldn't I save him this time."

My streams turn to rivers. I am bawling into my hands just thinking of him. Thinking of his smile. His lips. His face. His death.

Thinking, "Where did this start?"

With me? With his dad? Or.... Hellflame.

I just feel pain. A feeling I don't know what to do with. So, I stand up. I look down. But, I don't jump. I just look down into the abyss. I just want to be with him. His smile. His lips. His face. A smile spreads on my face. Then, I jump.


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