Driving Lessons with Jazz

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"Ok Danny before we start I would like to give some advice" Jazz said .

Jazz and Danny were currently in Jazz's car . Jazz had this great idea to give Danny driving lessons ,why? Only she knows . "Jazz I'm 15 for Gods sake ! Why do I need driving lessons ?!" Danny asked annoyed . You see later on today he was supposed to hang out with Sam and Tucker , so he was a tad bit , actually scratch that , very grumpy .

"Oh come on Danny ! Lighten up !" Jazz encouraged "I mean missing one date with your girlfriend wouldn't hurt" Jazz giggled "SHES NOT MY GIRLFRIEND !!" Danny blushed and glared at Jazz . He gave up and grumbled a 'fine' under his breath . "Ok so first piece of advice: there is no need to have road rage . There's no point cause there is always going to be a bad driver on the road ." She said calmly and took out a notebook and a pen . "Ok so I need you to watch very closely to what I do and take notes ok ?" Danny nodded and took the notebook the pen .

—Ten minutes later—

" WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU GET YOUR DRIVING LICENSE !!!! A CEREAL BOX !?!?" Jazz screamed at the driver in front of her meanwhile Danny was trying to hold back his laughter , record and scribble something on his notebook .

Jazz took a left turn while muttering under her breath "son of a — AAAAAAA!!!! ASSHOLE !!!! Did he REALLY just cut me off !! IM GONNA CHOP YOUR BALLS OFF AND FEED THEM TO A ZEBRA !!!" She yelled at a probably drunk driver who drove with full speed pass her . Danny took some more notes and held back laughter. 'This was SO worth it' Danny thought as Jazz parked back home .

She took a big breath to calm herself down and looked at Danny smiling .  "Well .. let me um see your notes" she told him . He nodded and gave her his notes waiting to see her reaction .
"Ok let's see .." and she started reading

Driving lesson notes .

1) Jazz has serious road rage
2) Jazz has anger management issues
3) Jazz needs help
4) Advise Jazz to see a therapist
5) Jazz needs to go to church

Jazz you need Jesus - From Danny to Jazz .

Ps . No road rage huh ? =)

Jazz stopes reading and looked at Danny with a 'really' look on her face . She smiled at him with a 'I'm going to kill you in your sleep' face .She cocked her head and said "Run" . Danny immediately got out of the car and ran for his life .

AN - I know it's kinda short but it's funny (kinda) . Any request on what to write next - comment and I'll give u credit .



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