Nightly Visit

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A/N — DxS fluff !!! Cause why the hell not ?

Sam doesn't know Danny's secret .


Danny was flying in the midnight sky letting the fresh air hit his face . As he reached his destination Danny knocked on the window . No response . He knocked again . No response . Danny was confused . He invisibly phased through the window and looked around the room .

There he found Sam sitting on her bed , her back against her pillow , looking at a picture. She was wearing grey sweatpants and a black tank top while her hair was in a messy bun . He smirked . He flew in front of her and became visible. "BOO !" He yelled . Sam screamed and dropped the picture making it fall beside her .

"Phantom ! You scared me ! Haven't you learnt to knock !?" She said annoyed . Phantom didn't responded as he was too busy laughing . Once he straightened him self he noticed the picture next to her . It was a picture of ...... him ... but .... his human half . He picked up the picture and smirked . "Tell me princess , do you fancy this boy?" He asked and showed her the picture . Sam blushed furiously from embarrassment. "Th-th- that's n-none of y-your business!" She said and took the picture from him . Danny smirked once again wanting to take this further to see here it's goes . "Well even if you did like him I wouldn't really understand why. I mean he's just a wimp , a scrawny loser and a coward" he said . Sam felt her blood boil . "Don't you DARE speak about him that way ! Danny is the kindest , most generous soul I've ever met ! His sweet , kind , loyal , selfless and he always stands up for others !" She yelled . Danny was taken back by this . He never thought that Sam would ever talk like this about him . He was interrupted from his thoughts when Sam started talking again , " And if you really wanna know , Yes , I do like him , actually scratch that , I love him ! I love him to the point where no words could ever describe!" She said and blushed . Danny's eyes widened and he too started blushing . "Sam......" Danny started and let two familiar rings wash over him. Sam gasped . Where Phantom was supposed to be , in his place was  Fenton , Danny Fenton .Before she could say anything Danny leaned in closer and closer until his lips met hers . Sam was on shock . As she was processing what was happening she started thinking , the reason he was late to class , tiered , small but visible scars on his face ,his grades dropping all of a sudden. It all made sense now . Danny started to worry . Why wasn't she responding. Did she stop liking him because his half ghost ? He soon relaxed  when Sam started kissing him back . He smiled into the kiss . As they pulled away . They stared into each others eyes . "Sam ....." Danny spoke up breaking the silence . "I love you too.." He said and leaned in for  another kiss .

Everything was finally perfect .

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