Professor Quirrell x Student Reader One-Shot Semi-Lemon: "A Pint to Remember"

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Helloooo again, I know its been a while- crucify me in the comments. . . 

But anyway, This story was requested by one of my lovely readers, so a thank you to them for the request, and a big thanks to you guys for reading my shorts :D

This story takes place pre-Voldemort times sooo, yeah, I don't know what else to add  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

(I genuinely have no idea if you guys actually think I'm funny or not XD . . . Probs not.)

Anyway, to the story:



First Name: f/n

Last Name: l/n

House: h/s

Eye Colour: e/c

Hair Colour: h/c

Hair Length: h/l


Quirrell POV

Why can't you ever fall in love with the people you're meant too?

For a man in a position of power as myself, to fall in love with- well- my student! Was entirely unexpected and quite frankly, still hard to comprehend. . .

F/n is such a tantalising creature though. . .Always optimistic, always smiling, ready to have anything thrown at her. . .

". . .Professor?"

She has such a sweet voice too. . .

"Helloo, Professor??"

I snap out of my daze and realise that I was caught up in thought midway through my Defence lesson. The class of seventh years burst into laughter at my hazzyness. All except f/n, who gives me a look more akin to pity, which honestly hurts even more. . .

"R-Right, that enough now class, let's get b-back to the lesson. . ." I state as strongly as possible, my words still hopelessly pausing though. . . 

The lesson passed without further incident. Although my mind couldn't help but continue to wander back to f/n. Thankfully the chimes of the bell soon ended the lesson and the classroom emptied.

"Professor?" A voice breaking the silence unexpectedly.

I turn to come face to face with f/n.

"Ahh, s-sorry Miss l/n, I didn't realise you were there," I state, placing the stack of DADA textbooks back down.

"Its okay sir." she pauses for a moment, clutching her books to her chest, "I was wondering if I could have some help with the recent assignment on dementors, I'm having a bit of trouble finding my words for this one. . ."

Although f/n was an outgoing girl, she always seemed more timid when she spoke to me, I never understood why. . .

Did she know?!?! Is she aware of my feelings for her and is disgusted by me?!?!? 

I feel myself go pale at the realisation, but hold my composure as to not worry f/n more. . .

Your POV

Professor Quirrell is so cute. . .I wish he didn't seem so nervous around me.

"R-R-Right," he pauses for a moment, but continues, "I c-can't help you today I'm afraid, as I have a lot of work to do," His voice trails off for a second time, "How, about to-mmm-morrow, after class?"

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