5. M O V I N G • O N

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The days keep moving
The sun keeps rising
I keep waking up
I keep breathing

You're here

The shadows elongate
The sun sets
I stop walking
I hold my breath

Where are you?

You're dealing with
Your own personal hell
You're covered in self loathing
Bitterness and longing

You distance yourself

I stop standing, waiting
I start moving
When you're ready you
Finally start trying to

Hi again

You bring yourself in
You make me hope
But then I realize
There shouldn't be any

Bye again

And when you come back
Waiting to say hi
I listen and wait
And watch you go by

There it is

And instead of you
I got myself
Cuz I know that I don't
Got nobody else

It's me

So I love myself
I treat myself
I trust myself
And I get by

I'm okay

So when you come
Back again
Ready to say that hi
That died on your lips

Only to leave

I'm going to look at you
Then I'm going to look at me
I'm going to reach deep
into my hard heart

And say:

Fuck it.

Suck It, Right?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang