15. A • G I R L

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Once upon a time
There was a girl

She had dull brown locks
But bright violet eyes

She was always outside
Playing her imaginary games

Everyone thought she was weird
Nobody tried to befriend her
And then one day there was a boy
Who decided to place a cruel bet

So he became her friend
And then something more

She opened up and talked about
All her imaginary friends
He listened attentively
Until he realised she was serious

When she finally uttered
The three cruelest words
Ever to be said by anyone

He left her. And won the bet.

So she went back to her imaginary friends
And played her imaginary games
And when the boy came to taunt her
She tricked and trapped him

And the boy grew quiet
And he grew terrified
For standing, hovering and flying around him
Were the very creatures he had laughed at

So he begged the girl
But when he broke her heart
He had broken all of it

So instead she stared at him
One second
Two seconds
Three seconds —

And felt nothing.

So she smiled at him
Cruel eyes glittering
The cruel eyes he made
And his own grew wide

And then she nodded her head. Once.

And those 'imaginary' creatures
That nobody believed,
Besides her,

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