Written In The Waters| Chapter 1

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"Okay look I don't care about knowing your name, where you came from, or what brought you here!"
"I just want to know why did you have to fuck up my life more than it already was"
"Tell me you coward"
"You don't understand we don't have control of our choices"
"My story is already written and your in it"

*voices start to tune out*

~Present tense

Hi my name is Bridgett Keller or as others like to call me bulging Bridgett.
I don't have a problem with it I know I'm on the heavy side. I just wish that people at school would stop reminding me of it every second of the day. Especially Zoey and her bitchy clique of friends, Jessica and Evelyn. Evelyn's real name was Chloe until Zoey made her change it  to her little sister's name in 9th grade.

Something about not wanting anyone to get them confused with each other.

They're all also suppose to be the tightest group of friends at Glenbrook High, but they all talk about each other and Jessica even slept with Zoey's boyfriend, Liam Anderson.
He was the hottest boy in school and I honestly don't blame her.

Star quarter back meaning a nice muscular body, dark brown hair that always seemed to flow perfectly in whatever position he placed it in, and dark blue eyes that you could drown in.  Zoey matched him perfectly with her skinny, yet toned figure, blonde hair, dark brown eyes, and with a never take no for an answer attitude towards everything it didn't take long for them two to become a thing.

You're probably wondering how I know this well that bitchy clique of friends used to be my bitchy clique of friends until the beginning of freshmen year when I gained a little too much weight. Zoey persuaded them to take away my spot as the group leader and soon they stopped hanging out with me especially when they noticed that I wasn't going to do anything about my weight problem.

In my miserable family life it's just me and my two little brothers, Bryan and Zack. They were  both conceived from two different marriages from me and my little sister Kate that was still growing in the womb of my mother. Her father would soon be my step father, Jake once my mother finally says yes to his proposal.

She says that everything's  different when you have papers that makes it official. "The love is just not there anymore" she explains to me every time I ask her why she hasn't said yes yet.

Jake wasn't the best dude and to be completely blunt I hated him. He's an abusive drunk. The only reason why we're living in this dump of a trailer is because he gambled away our rent money from our last apartment, but bring it up and all hell breaks loose. Did I forget to mention that he has a short temper.

I couldn't  sum up the number of times he left her with two black eyes and a busted lip. His excuse was that he "blacks out" but I think that he just  believed in putting a woman in her place. My mother liked it though she told me that it showed he was a man if he could handle her.

I guess she was as brainwashed as him

Well that's a pretty good summary of my shitty life. Hope I didn't bore you too much. Now let's jump into this story and I promise to leave nothing out. Oh and if you think I'm lying then I don't even know what to say. I guess you'll just have to believe me.

Trust me, it was always for the best.


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