Written In The Waters| Chapter 3

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"Come on Bridgett we have to get you out of here"  Mai announced.

I tried to stand up on both of my feet, but my body was too weak. I took a glimpse of myself in the mirror across the room and I looked awful. I had huge bags, my hair was in a tangled mess, and I was in a hospital gown that was way too small for me. "Wow, they couldn't find one that could fit" I mumbled under my breath in disappointment.

"What was that", Mai questioned with a confused yet concerned facial expression. I kinda felt bad for saying it. I looked over to my right and was not so surprised when I saw Asia and Peter. I guess that's what she meant by "our". I was still so confused. What shitty life was I sworn into?

"She can't come with us" Peter exclaimed. "No, we came here to get her" Asia rejected. They must have been arguing about rather or not they should take me with them to wherever they were going or fleeing off to. I didn't blame Peter for wanting to leave me behind. If their goal was to get out of here and tackle some bigger problems then they sure weren't going to do it with me tagging along. After thinking about it, Asia looked at me with a disappointed facial expression "You're right she isn't ready, what do we do until then?".

"Get her back home" Mai suggested and that's exactly what happened. Peter turned around as they helped me get dressed. The closest I had ever come to being half naked while a boy was in the room was...Liam and that a story for another day. I still felt uncomfortable with them looking even if we did have the same body parts. Mai was explaining to me that I need to act like nothing happened when I get back home and In due time she'll explain everything to me.

I knew that I should've been more worried about the fact that someone kidnapped and tried to kill me and how instead of my family I woke up to my "friends" in the hospital room with me, but I couldn't help but wondered where they were gonna take me before they decided to just drop me off at home.

"I'm not leaving until you guys tell me what was that thing or person that tried to kill me!" I roared. Asia reassured me that it didn't matter and who or whatever it was wasn't going to hurt me again because I had them to protect me. "Just know that if it ever attacks you again hold your finger down on this button" she said as she handed me this pink watch. It seemed pretty normal until she tapped on it three times and a tiny green button with glowing red Polka dots twisted out of it through the side.

"I know it's ugly isn't it" Asia joked. "Peter designed it himself" she added. Mai chuckled at the comment and Peter gave Asia a disarming smirk. Peter and I headed out the hospital and it took along time because I was limping which stopped after awhile because of Peter rushing me every time I slowed down. "Come on bulging Bridgett put some pep in your step" he teased in an orderly tone.

It didn't even dawn on me that he called me that name at first until we got into the car.


"Where did you get that name from" I asked as he started cranking up the car. "From your best friend, Zoey" he answered. My face faintly reddened from the response. "She's not my best friend" I growled. "Yeah I kinda figured that out when she completely disregarded your panic attack today in class" he said while gently grinning.

After that, All of the memories from that morning came tumbling in. My Stepfather, Jake giving me a hot-blooded eye, the "talk" that Zoey gave me, the panic attack I had in 1st period, and the janitor's room situation that I had with Liam. "How did It all end up to this?" I pondered.

"Why didn't Mai and Asia come with us" I questioned. "They have other important things to do" he responded giving me the vibe to not ask what those other things were. A few minutes of awkward silence passed and I finally built up enough courage to ask What that thing or person was that was trying to kill me. "What is this, the jeopardy?" he asked while laughing. I could tell that he was a bit tense. "I don't see the humor in this and I demand an answer" I hissed. "Trust me you're better off not knowing" he replied and Even though I didn't want to, I just left it at that.

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