Written In The Waters| Chapter 2

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"Get off me" I screamed when two of my classmates tried to calm me down after what was an obvious panic attack. I looked over at where I saw the blood and nothing was there. the Voices of my worried classmates and teacher began to fade and I could feel my eyes rolling to the back of my head.

"Bridgett Bridgett get up!" Mrs.Cox panically yelled. I opened my eyes slowly scared that I would see the blood again or the glitching faces. It was none of that thank God. Peter came and helped me up and walked me back to my seat.

I didn't know if I was still seeing things or was it that I never got a good look at Peter before but, his blonde hair and blue eyes seemed brighter and his white pale skin was even Paler. The way he helped me to my seat almost made me fall for him or maybe it was because I was shocked that he was even strong enough to get me off the floor in the first place.

"okay class that's enough of introducing ourselves for today," Mrs. Cox said. "Oh pleaseee I really wanted the class to get to know me," Zoey remarked. That was a really low blow, even for her. Mrs. Cox ordered us to get out our notebooks and start writing what was on the board.

I got out my notebook and started writing. Everything was fine until I got to the last letter of Keller and my hand started shaking. I gazed around the classroom and noticed that Asia was coming towards me holding a cup of water.  "Thank you" I whispered still unsettled about what just happened. She scanned my paper and offered to finish writing it for me.

Before I could say no she slid my notebook to her side of the desk and started writing the notes down really fast. I then began to chug down the water. "Are you feeling better" Mai questioned as I took my last sip of water. "yes just ready to finish the day" I answered.

The bell rang and it was finally time to leave. "Thanks for....everything" I expressed with a deep apologetic tone. They all reassured me that it was no problem and that's what friends are for. I left class a little relieved that I have "friends" now instead of just having Lizzy.

The day went by pretty fast after that. My 3rd and 5th period(algebra 2 and Spanish) were pretty fun because I had it with Lizzy including lunch. The rest of the class periods in between or after was smooth sailing. That was until I reached 7th period(US History). There he was, Liam Anderson or as I would like to call him "the one that got away". Oh did I forgot to mention that Jessica wasn't the only one to have a fling with him?

It was different with us though we were actually in love. It started off so innocent and ended in heartbreak when I realized that he wasn't going to leave Zoey for me. I guess I was stupid for thinking so.

The whole class period he stared at me. I could hardly get any work done. After trying to ignore him for the longest I finally gave in and looked back. We stared at each other for 3 minutes straight or at least that's what I thought. I finally looked away and realized that we had book work to do. "okay I have time" I meditated until I realized that I had to do 16 pages and It was only 5 more minutes of class left.

The bell rang and it shook me out my seat. Oh God, it's only the first day of school and I'm already behind. I begged Mr. Stevenson to let me do it for homework, but it was no use. Before I could finally walk home to my peace Liam had caught up to me and shoved me into the janitors closet.

"What the fuck are you doing" I tried to shout, but it was no use as he put his hand over my mouth. "Please, Brigett let me explain" I pushed him off of me and hissed "you already made your choice and it wasn't me". I ran out the closet holding the sleeve of my hoodie over my hand around my mouth attempting to soak up the tears that came rushing down.

"Hey Bridgett you alright," Lizzy asked with a concerned expression on her face. I was so used to always holding in my emotions that I made my tears go away swiftly and put on a bright and bubbly smile. "Of course I am how was your day" I replied. She told me that it was pretty good and about how her crazy Chemistry teacher almost had a heart attack when this kid asked if they were gonna do introductions. I chuckled under my breath, yet still bothered about that whole thing.

I was gonna eventually tell her just not right now.

The walk home was pretty calming. I had my earphones in jamming to some R&B and Hip Hop. I finally passed through the big houses where Lizzy lived to the trailers tucked behind them when a black trash bag came over my face. I dropped everything that was in my hand including my phone to try and stop whoever it was. Every punch that I threw they caught it and somehow made my hits come back to me even harder. The next thing you know I was being thrown in the back of a van.

The whole time I was thinking to myself "what if I never see my family again, what if they kill me". Who they were was hunting me the most. Could it be Liam or one of those weird kids that I sat with in my 1st period? The van came to an abrupt stop and I heard the door open and close. I then made a quick plan to hurry up and kick the person as soon as they opened the back doors.

I waited and waited...and waited, but nothing happened. It actually made me more scared or anxious about what could happen then what was actually going to happen. I finally heard the person unlock the trunk door with the key. Hours must have passed by because when the door opened no light shined through it.

It was a pretty long ride

One, two, three! I kicked the person making them fall back onto the ground and ran. I don't know where they had taken me, but it had to be far from home. I even stopped to see where the hell I was going when I noticed that I had ran passed the same tulip tree three times.

I didn't even notice how creepy the what I now detected was a forest was until I stopped running and could hear every sound that lurked in the shadows and boy did it make me even more paranoid. The birds flapping their wings, the squirrels crawling in the trees, and two large footsteps coming from behind me.

Wait a minute.

I tried to move, but I just stood there shaking. I saw a shadow behind me holding a thick and what seemed like heavy object. Maybe a brick? "Please don't do this" I pleaded. It's arm raised with the object in its hand and I closed my eyes ready to say goodbye.


The next thing you know I was in the hospital.

Beep beep beep beep was all I heard for a solid five minutes. I squinted my eyes a little and noticed that it was night time. Where is my family? Why aren't they here? Why am I here? What happened?

I was going to doze back off into my dreams until I heard two heavy footsteps walk In. They only stopped at the entrance though. I was scared at first, but then I remembered that I was at a hospital, so it was probably a nurse.

I couldn't move my head to see who was there, so I just closed my eyes. Kinda like when you were a kid and you would pull your covers over your head when you thought that the boogie man was coming like the blanket was really going to protect you. It's crazy how the monsters in my life were closer to me and had familiar faces.

"Hi Bridgett can I get you to wake up and eat something for me" a short quirky lady pleaded to me as if she had already told me to do so. I opened my eyes pretty fast. Something about the lady's voice sounded really calm and friendly. Almost as if I had heard it bef— "Mai is that you" I questioned and the look on her face didn't seem like she would be giving me any answers.

She was wearing nursing attire, but the main thing that stood out was the surgical mask that covered up most of her face. I guess she tried to look unrecognizable, but it obviously didn't work...well at least with me. "Eat your apple sauce" she demanded while handing it to me.

I took two spoons of it, while obviously still being a little skeptical of what it was. "What happened" I bluntly asked. "You my friend have just been sworn up into the shitty reality of our life" she answered. It seemed like that was happening to me a lot these days. I never knew it could get worst. I didn't even question who "our" all consisted of.

She started to unplug all the chords that was attached to me or plugged into the walls. She did it so effortlessly like she had done it before. "Look Bridgett if you want to see the day of light tomorrow then I suggest that you get up" she commanded. Get up? I felt so weak. Ohh maybe that's what the apple sauce was for....


A/N: I finished the second chapter of "Written in the waters". Please tell me what you think about it before I publish any more chapters on it!          *VOTE*

I just want you to know that I write for the purpose of your enjoyment so please tell me your thoughts on it!

Thank you so much for reading!

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